Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Jake Tekippe. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Alright, Jake thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Alright, let’s jump into one of the most exciting parts of starting a new venture – how did you get your first client who was not a friend or family?
I was studying business at the University of North Georgia (UNG) and had a passion for photography. I always enjoyed taking photos, but never expected to turn it into a career. UNG is situated in a great small town nestled in the mountains of north Georgia, and I always found myself out exploring and capturing photos between classes. Meanwhile, there was an Instagram account called “wandernorthga” that myself and many of my classmates followed. This page would re-share other peoples photos of our area. We were all tagging our photos and constantly trying to get our content shared through their page when they announced that they were looking for ambassadors to represent the brand on their local campuses. So of course I applied and waited eagerly for the announcements. A few weeks passed before they reached out to announce that I had been selected as one of the ambassadors for the University of North Georgia. I spent the next several months sharing photos with them, writing blog posts, and building a relationship. As Wander North Georgia grew as a brand, they moved into a new location and were about to release a new line of apparel with their branding. One of the owners, Josh, reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in taking photos of these products for them. I had never taken product photos before or marketed my work in any way, so I was hesitant to accept. Josh assured me that they really enjoyed my photos and knew that I was the person they wanted for this occasion. After some excitement and discussion with my friends, I decided to take it on and we were able to arrange the shoot. It went very smoothly and we all had a great time, it was a very relaxed environment and way more comfortable than I had imagined. I shot way more photos than necessary to make sure I had everything covered, and didn’t leave any room for mistakes. They were absolutely thrilled with the photos in the end and I couldn’t have asked for a better first client.
Jake, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
My name is Jake Tekippe and I am a photographer based in the North Georgia mountains. I picked up photography early on as a hobby, but decided to pursue it more while at college. I purchased my first camera and spent every ounce of my free-time learning and practicing my craft. I never envisioned turning my photos into my career, but I was presented with an opportunity after college that I couldn’t refuse and have been growing within that role since. My passion has always been landscape photography, I love shooting waterfalls and complex mountain vistas and I often try to incorporate a human element somewhere in the scene to tie in something familiar. My full-time job has pulled me into the world product photography, which is something I find to be difficult, but very rewarding at times. I have been diving into videography as well, producing short form videos for my companies’ social channels.
For you, what’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative?
For me, recognition of my work is the biggest reward I can ask for. I always take it as a huge compliment when someone lets me know that they came across my work on Instagram or another platform and recognized it as mine as soon as they saw it. As a photographer, I feel that the industry and practice as a whole has become flooded in recent years. This isn’t a bas thing and I always support others exploring creative avenues, but with advancements in smartphone cameras and lower cost of entry to photo equipment, it’s not difficult for anyone to snap a decent photo these days. However, as someone that is passionate about photography and views it as an art form, I think it’s important that we establish our own “styles.” Whether that’s through a distinctive editing or shooting style, it is always nice to have someone see a photo and immediately know who captured it.
What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?
I don’t have a particular goal I am aiming for or trying to achieve with my work. What’s important to me is that I continue to learn and never lose the enjoyment that I get from capturing the scenes around me. Once your passion becomes your job, its easy to get wrapped up in numbers and deadlines and plenty of other distractions that pull the enjoyment out of it. I believe that always exploring new avenues and learning new skills keeps you chasing something and keeps you engaged. This helps me to maintain my interest and expand my skillset while staying on top of my current responsibilities.
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