We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Jada Sade a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Jada , thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Let’s talk legacy – what sort of legacy do you hope to build?
I hope that my legacy inspires young women to go after what they truly desire in life . I hope to be the change I want to see in the world & become an example that no matter what you’re faced with in life you can do whatever you put your mind to .
Jada , before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
My name is Jada Sadé . I started my brand so glammed with the mission to make all women and young girls feel beautiful. I provide luxury lash extension services.I help all women gain a extra glam of confidence when they get their lash extensions , lash extensions make women feel 10x more beautiful even when they’re not in their natural state . I believe that all women truly deserves to feel beautiful! I am so proud of how much I’ve grown and how many women I’ve been able to inspire and help out which means the most to me !
How did you build your audience on social media?
So glammed all came me starting out with my first business creating graphics for everyone all over . I then took my money I accumulated and invested into so glammed , I invested into a lash class and all the products I needed to begin . I promoted flyers daily that all sets will be $25 , as the months went on I seen my clientele develop daily and decided to kick off new sets that would bring in more clients . My clients grew into loving the work I produced and continued to support the brand so glammed. Promoting my work daily on social media became a ultimate goal of mine . I would pass out flyers , business cards out in public because I truly knew how much I wanted the brand so glammed to grow !
My advice to those starting their social media presence is that you promote your work / businesses all the time , daily . Never give up on what you love because your social media may not be growing how you want it to . Being an entrepreneur takes patience and as your following grows daily be patient , It will all come together !
What else should we know about how you took your side hustle and scaled it up into what it is today?
So glammed has always been on my mind to be way more than a side hustle . It’s a passion , a lifestyle . I desire to be the best I can ultimately be at my craft . As months went on I seen how big of a support system and clientele I had and that gave me confirmation that it was “GO” mode . It turned into a career for me , more than just a business . Praying and thanking god has always helped me get to where I am today . I’ve had the opportunity to work with ladies that performed during the gotti bash , billboards, lash classes , entrepreneur events ! Overall I am extremely thankful for my journey so far and I know this is not the end .
Contact Info:
- Website: https://soglammed901.as.me/schedule.php
- Instagram: @soglammed
- Youtube: Jada Sadé
Image Credits
Photos shoot by @cloudedvisuals