We were lucky to catch up with Jacyn Tremblay recently and have shared our conversation below.
Jacyn, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Did you always know you wanted to pursue a creative or artistic career? When did you first know?
We’ve all known since we’ve been little kids that performing and taking a creative path was where we were meant to be!
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
We are Three Second Chances-a musical pop trio from the suburbs of Boston Massachusetts.
(Jacyn Tremblay, Joey Nicotera and Ben Consoli )
Picture it: Massachusetts, 2019. Ben’s annual Valentine’s Day dinner party is approaching. This means we pick a country, nerd out over the cuisine, and then obsess about cooking it in the most authentic way possible. But this year, something is different – Joey decides to host and themes it: Thailand. This unlocks a new dinner party location and unleashes our creativity (Joey has a giant piano—and he knows how to use it). And so, out of sugar and spice and everything nice, Three Second Chances is born… then it was Jacyn’s turn to host a dinner party!
We spent the greater part of the pandemic holing up at Joey’s house writing and recording demos around his piano and wonderedif we should make our collaboration a real band “thing”. After the success of our first release “When The Tree Goes Up” in November of 2022-we decided that we should go for it and release our original “yacht-pop” music into the world! We’re all taking our second chance in the music industry and doing it our way-unapologetically and authentically—and over 40.
We want to lift people with our music. We aim to inspire others to take their “second chance” no matter what that is! Our newest single is called “Living Out Loud” and hopefully inspires others to live their best life without fear or doubt!
What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?
Three Second Chances is all about inspiring everyone, but particularly fellow 40-somethings, to re-ignite their passion for the arts. Many people, including the three of us, were musicians, artists and creatives growing up, but jobs, family obligations tend to fill up your day. With Three Second Chances we decided that dedicating time to be creative is not only fun, but deeply fulfilling and we want to inspire others to do the same.
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
The lesson we had to unlearn is being too serious. During our childhood and early 20’s we all had our individual musical ambitions. Jacyn and Ben were in separate bands, Joey was a pianist and performing with different artists. Music was our lives and every show, every meeting, every moment was super important. Our identities and our futures hinged on the help and guidance of others. But we are older and wiser now, we all have our own careers and music can simply be fun again. That freedom to just have FUN is honestly making us more creative.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.threesecondchances.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threesecondchances
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threesecondchances
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@threesecondchances
- Apple Music Artist Page: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/three-second-chances/1651777623
- Spotify Artist Page: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2J26I33PRaIEdD74zr6rFd?si=qCX2heE3Sju5u54TjcjSgQ
Image Credits
Dawn Kingston Jamie Wexler Peter The Photographer