We were lucky to catch up with Heather Perren recently and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Heather , thanks for joining us today. Was there a moment in your career that meaningfully altered your trajectory? If so, we’d love to hear the backstory.
It has been three years since my life completely pivoted. Yes, everyone’s life changed that fateful March of 2020, but for me, I had no idea how incredible life was about to become. Leading up to March 13, 2020, I was lost and not sure where I was going with my career in the fitness world teaching the Lagree Method. It was a dark time for me to be honest and those weeks leading up to the global shutdown had me questioning where to go next. When we shut down, I emailed Lagree headquarters and bought the last of the original 100 Micros they had without any idea that this purchase would change my life – literally. This was my defining moment, but I wouldn’t realize it until months and months later.
The next thing I knew, the Micro exploded and so did my virtual Lagree classes. I found another Lagree instructor online and knew that Lexi, a complete stranger at the time, was either going to make an incredible partner or my biggest competition. I am forever grateful she also trusted me to partner with as we teamed up to create a virtual platform for the Lagree at home community. By July of 2020 we formed Lagreeing at Home and never looked back. We learned as we went, continuing to evolve and grow into something amazing. I couldn’t be more proud of what we created together for the Lagree community around the world.
During this time, I also began working for Lagree Fitness as the director of community relations and events and was honored when Sebastien Lagree appointed me as Senior Master Trainer for Lagree Fitness in 2021. My love for the method is unmatched and if you’ve met me, you know that.
I feel beyond lucky for where I am today, but I work hard for it and I don’t take an ounce of it for granted. These past three years have allowed me to evolve into a much happier, more confident, and determined person.
So remember, when one door slams in your face, it might just be the best damn thing that ever happened to you.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I began my career as an elementary school teacher, but left teaching once I had triplets in 2010. I discovered Lagree Fitness after having triplets in 2010 when I was looking for a workout to get back into shape. Before long, I was obsessed with the Lagree Method! In 2015, I decided to get certified to teach, and in 2021 I was appointed as a Senior Master Trainer for Lagree Fitness. Additionally, I became certified in Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness to help other moms like me be able to stay fit during and after their pregnancy. I pivoted in 2020 to teaching virtually and became an online sensation with engaging social media content using the Lagree Fitness Microformer. This allowed me to form “Lagreeing at Home” with my co-founder, Lexi Heinzer. I love how the virtual platform has allowed me to connect to fitness enthusiasts around the world! I am passionate about Lagree in all aspects and in addition to being a Senior Master Trainer and operating LAH, I am also the director of community relations, social media and events for Lagree Fitness.
In my free time I also love cooking, traveling, party planning & spending time with my husband & our 12 year old triplets.
We’d love to hear about you met your business partner.
Lagreeing at Home was formed in the middle of the pandemic with a complete stranger who lived in another state. I met my now business partner, Lexi Heinzer on Instagram when we were both posting creative moves on the new Lagree Microformer fitness machine. We both realized the potential this machine had and what we could create together because two is always better than one. I knew Lexi was either going to be my biggest competition or the best business partner and it turns out she is the best business partner. We make a great team and we have built something incredible together that we are both passionate about. The best part is, we have formed a wonderful friendship through it all.
What’s been the most effective strategy for growing your clientele?
In order to grow the clientele in a virtual business, it comes down to marketing and client retention. We pride ourselves on customer service, listening to member feedback, and being accessible to clients. We also pride ourselves in making our virtual platform and inclusive community where everyone is welcoming and supportive with a members only forum. We also offer a rewards program for referrals because the best new members come from the referrals of our current members.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://lagreeingathome.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lagreefitbyheather/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lagreefitbyheather/
- Youtube: k