We were lucky to catch up with Georgia Perkins recently and have shared our conversation below.
Georgia, appreciate you joining us today. Can you share an important lesson you learned in a prior job that’s helped you in your career afterwards?
Though I’ve long has a passion for health and wellness, my first job out of college was recruiting for an IT staffing and services company. The second I accepted the job, I just knew it wasn’t right, but I didn’t know exactly why or what it was that I wanted instead at that point.
I slugged through what turned out to be a miserable corporate job experience, yet I can now look back on this challenging time with gratitude and clarity. I learned many important lessons that I still carry with me today – the importance of listening to my gut instinct in all situations and perhaps the most important lesson that transformed my career path and life overall – that I need to both be my own boss AND feel deeply connected to my work in order to be truly fulfilled.
Today, I feel so blessed to have a business that I’m not only able to mold and control myself but also so beautifully combines my desire to make an impact on others’ lives with my passion for wellness.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
My company, Goodness With G, consists of my holistic health coaching practice, wellness blog and social media presence aimed to aid and inspire women to be and feel their best!
I help others, mainly women, change their perspective towards health that can be seen as black and white, boring, restrictive, unattainable and unrealistic into something fun, vibrant and full of possibilities. I teach women how to implement and maintain healthy habits and cultivate a healthy, happy and balanced life in mind, body and spirit.
Goodness With G helps women live their best lives through nutrition education, tailored lifestyle tips, healthy recipes, fitness classes, wellness workshops, guides and support. I take a bio-individualized approach to wellness, in that it’s not one-size fits all. I help women learn and implement habits and behaviors that work for their own bodies and lives.
I’m incredibly proud of the hundreds of women I’ve been able to work with in my coaching practice and workshops who I’ve seen make incredible positive change in their health and lives!
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
Overall, I believe my sense of “realness” has perhaps been the most powerful way to relate to my audience and clients. On one hand, the health and wellness industry inundates us with conflicting information that overwhelms and confuses people, and on the other hand are social media influencers who curate a “perfect” world that seems unattainable and unrealistic.
I have anyways worked to maintain a sense of honestly and integrity on my page (and with my business) in order for my followers to feel comfortable reaching out and able to relate to the content and information I share. Likewise, I hope to help clients and audience at large to navigate the wellness world in a more balanced, realistic way.
Learning and unlearning are both critical parts of growth – can you share a story of a time when you had to unlearn a lesson?
Growing up and throughout my years in school, I was always used to achieving and successfully reaching certain milestones. I thrived in school and felt that my hard work and discipline had been rewarded by getting into the university I wanted to go to, getting good grades, etc.
It wasn’t until I was unable to find a job in the wellness space out of college like I’d hoped (and thus ended up in the IT staffing role) that I truly felt like I had “failed” in some way. Then when I ended up disliking my job and quit to return to graduate school and take more time to figure out my path, I again felt like I was letting myself and others down by deviating from the path laid out in front of me.
Yet it was this series of experiences that eventually led me to start blogging and eventually launch my own health coaching business. I had to “unlearn” that success is a linear journey. Instead, my greatest successes have actually come from “failures” and pivots I’ve had to make along the way!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.goodnesswithg.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goodness_with_g/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goodnesswithg
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgia-thompson-5207065a/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsfYU-oNVAmGfetpIr1YZvw
Image Credits
Ai Lin (Rachael) Hyde Photo