We recently connected with Ge. Holla and have shared our conversation below.
Ge., thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Let’s kick things off with your mission – what is it and what’s the story behind why it’s your mission?
To create magic for the hopeless to break cycles and to know themselves.
Ge., before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
Following my intuition, I got into my business, industry, and craft. Every step taken was by divine alignment; nothing can be quantified or described. All my missteps and L’s for lessons brought me to this journey of winning. Follow your heart using common sense, knowledge, and wisdom. We must recognize daily problems or mysteries to be solved. The first is understanding your skills, challenges, needs, wants, and mental abilities. So when external issues arise, we are willing to seek and find the answers.
The proudest moment for My Celebrity Life, The Show is we made 1 million views on June 26, 2022, totaling out streams at almost 4 million with no significant distribution or support. Focus and keep producing; you’ll always require something: time, money, or customers. Let that not stop you.
Is there mission driving your creative journey?
There’s a fire burning in my soul, illuminating my spirit, feeding my flesh to shine like a light to become a beacon of light.
Looking back, are there any resources you wish you knew about earlier in your creative journey?
My mind is the greatest resource to observe nature to discover who I am.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://mclx.media/
- Instagram: GeHolla.com_
- Facebook: Holla Ge
- Linkedin: GeHolla.com
- Twitter: GeHolla.com
- Youtube: My Celebrity Life by Ge.Holla
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