We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Gaby Pinales a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Gaby, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. We’d love to hear about a time you helped a customer really get an amazing result through their work with you.
I would love to share a little about one of my favorite commissions to date. I illustrated a book! Not just any book; a fairytale story written by the mother of a beautiful bride. This client, we’ll call her Jane, approached me with the wild idea of turning her daughter’s love story into a book for her upcoming wedding. When I received the message I thought I was dreaming. I had previously written this wish of mine on a list of things I wanted for myself and my business and this dream come true solidified my belief in the power of writing things down. Of making lists and holding fast to the dreams stored in your heart. Now, this book, published privately as a gift for the guests of her daughter’s wedding, is one of my most prized possessions. It reminds me of the magic we often ignore and the love we all yearn for.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers?
My name is Gaby and I am an artist. I started pursuing a career in art in late 2016 and haven’t stopped since. I enjoy finding new ways of using this gift ( as you’ll see if you browse my instagram account or know me personally ). I love using any kind of tool or medium to make art, such as, pencils, pastels, charcoal, acrylic paint or my iPad, but watercolors are my favorite. I am a lover of all things vintage, flowers, good music (country 99% of the time) hair scarves, and all sorts of pretty things. I love finding different ways of making a difference in someone’s life. Art has given me the ability to speak when words fail me and the priviledge or reaching those I might otherwise never meet in person. Everything I love influences what I do. Pinales Illustrated has given me the opportunity to work with incredible clients who desire something special, unique and handmade for their loved ones. Whether it’s something custom made or an item with a one of my designs on it from my Etsy shop, everything I make is done with my clients in mind. My goal has not changed from day one; I want to ignite (or reignite) the fire in others to pursue what they love with confidence and determination. I firmly believe that the things we are good at are aligned with our purpose on this earth. Everyone has one, we just need to seek it out.
Currently, I am working on new San Antonio Spurs art, along with a few original canvas pieces (first time this type of art will be available for purchase) that will be released later this year. You get a sneak peek here because you’re reading this today.
Is there a mission driving your creative journey?
There is one goal that sits at the back of my mind any time I pick up a pencil or paint brush. I work so my parents don’t have to. I work so their sacrifice for our family is worth it.
Can you open up about how you funded your business?
If you don’t have initial capital to start, start anyway. Start with what you have. I started sketching on my iPhone with a stylus. I’ll have to share a comparison post soon so you can see that it doesn’t matter what you don’t have. What matters is that you start and that you stick to it. Everything else will come after. I have to share this quote I saw recently, “the only natural talent that an artist has is the desire to create.” Use it.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.pinalesillustrated@gmail.com
- Instagram: @pinalesillustrated
- Twitter: @gabbaayy16
Image Credits
Gabriela Pinales