Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Fiya Mayne. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Fiya, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. How did you learn to do what you do? Knowing what you know now, what could you have done to speed up your learning process? What skills do you think were most essential? What obstacles stood in the way of learning more?
Repetition and hard work. Honestly, there were PLENTY of times where I thought I would NEVER understand how to properly create the “sound” I desired to emit as an artist. Instances where I questioned my own image, more than I probably should have. I should also inform you that the “learning” aspect of it all, never truly ENDS. I’m still learning more and more, with every song I make. However, knowing what I know NOW, I would have motivated myself earlier in life to just GO FOR IT. Life is sweet, time is precious. Learn to abolish your fears, every single one of them, and just LET GO. For me, my sense of self-worth was low as a child, growing up in a very emotional. argumentative household. I was scared of everything, especially frightened to leave my shell. I made music to escape my realities. Deep inside though, I’ve always carried a creative confidence about myself. I dream BIG. I’m still working on myself every single day, constantly trying to improve my overall quality of life. I’ve also always had a TREMENDOUS desire to help others. I love people, as much as they can get on my nerves, too. I’ve never given up hope for the world, nor my visions, and I think that’s what continues to feed my ambition. In my opinion, it’s that ambition that fuels your drive to TRULY make a difference.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
If you haven’t heard of me before, I go by the name Fiya Mayne, and I’m a singer/songwriter out of Colorado. I’ve been making music for over 15 years now, chasing my dreams, and it’s something I truly love doing. My undivided passion for music and lyricism has always been an outlet for me, so being able to still do this in my 30’s is a blessing. I hope to bring a sense of LIFE and burst of ENERGY to those who listen to me, accompanied with the feeling of, “I can do anything I set my mind to.” I truly love people, I love building a following, and I love being able to teach confidence through my music. Through positive manifestation and a chance encounter with some of the greatest fans known to man, I was able to find my way in the industry. I make music for the Los Angeles Rams, Lakers, Dodgers, Kings, and their wonderful supporters. In particular, the MOB SQUAD. I owe SO much to that community, it’s not even funny. I was even the first artist to ever make a song for every game of a Rams regular season. However, I’m always open for making music about ANYTHING. I’ve made music for businesses, clubs, and even individual people. I think my good-hearted nature is what sets me apart from most other artists. I sympathize with, empathize with, and connect with people because I want what’s best for them. I want to see this society thrive. I’m tired of all the hate. Humanity deserves better. As for what I pride myself in, I pride myself in the fact that I’ve never given up. No matter how bad my past addicitions were, no matter how suicidal I ever got in the past, no matter how tough my 5 years of recovery were alone, no matter how bad things were at home growing up, or at school. I never threw in the towel. I did it, I made it, so can you. You can do even BIGGER things. You’re loved, you’re valuable, and you’re MEANT TO BE HERE. Time is limited, sure, but you can make a difference in an INSTANT. Believe in YOU.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
I had a rough upbringing, which many can relate to. I was sexually assaulted by an older student as a child, my parents had a very toxic relationship growing up, my childhood was emotionally abusive, and I was bullied at school for simply being myself. The only memories I have, are typically dark ones. I was on the verge of suicide by 13 years old and felt completely alone and misunderstood. By 18, my heart had been broken in terrible ways, by girls I swore I was in love with. By 22 years old, I was a homeless alcoholic and addict. By 24, I was in long-term rehab trying to save my own life after having constant blackouts and needing emergency surgery. I looked awful. I felt awful. I lost myself for so many years, rehab didn’t even help. I lost many good buddies in there to heroin overdoses. It was one thing after another. By 25, I was fired from every job I liked, couldn’t find a place to live, having seizures, going into full delirium because of my binges. All throughtout these times, I still found a way to make music, and I always prayed things would get better. In March of 2019, everything changed for me. I made the decision to get clean and STAY CLEAN. I realized that this is MY life. I’m not a VICTIM. I’m just a lost soul, with the ability to heal. I could change the course of my life, if that’s what I chose to do. So, I did. I’ve been clean ever since. Praise the Lord. From that point on, it’s been a GRIND to turn my life around. By 2020, my music was starting to take off. I was back. I vowed from that moment on, I would dedicate my LIFE to inspiring others. I want to motivate them, like I did for myself. Even if I never become rich and super famous, I will be doing exactly that, regardless. By 2021, my music REALLY took off. Since then, I’ve become a complete gym rat. I love lifting weights and staying fit. If my music isn’t feeding people’s fire, my sober journey, or perhaps my fitness routine CAN. I love life. I love all that IS. All I’m focused on right now is GROWTH. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Tune into my frequency.
Is there mission driving your creative journey?
100%. The goal is to become widely successful as an artist, so I can help the world. There are so many places, people. animals, and situations that require a healthy POWER to assist and change. I feel like too many people in that position take advantage of their power and use it for personal gain, not people’s well-being. I want to be the opposite of that. I want to make a BIG difference. I want to bring light to a world that NEEDS it. I want to showcase that ANYBODY can make it happen. I’ve never been too concerned with superficial, or trendy things. I believe self-care, self-love, self-respect, self-forgiveness, and self-worth are invaluable. Those are the qualities we need to teach ourselves, in order to help others. I hope to accomplish my goals, but I can’t do it without YOU. Nor, would I want to. With that being said, I promised a quick shoutout to some of my awesome fans and supporters. For starters, shoutout to my beautiful girlfriend, Soraya. Thank you for all you do, baby. I wouldn’t be half the man I am right now, if it weren’t for you. Thank you for always believing in me. Shoutout to my brother, Sage, I love you and I’m so proud of the man you’ve become today. Shoutout to my best buddy, TJ, who’s been my brother from another mother for well over a decade now. Shoutout to my AMAZING fans and Mob Squad supporters out there, as well as all those who continue to listen to my music, just because. Some names I’d like to honor are as follows: Cookie Bram, who’s sent me some COOL Rams stuff, and always shows mad love. Arty Flores, who’s always using my music for social media posts. Ceaser Roman, who’s kindness is the sole reason I was invited to JOIN the Mob Squad. The fantastic Libni Ortiz-Valles, whose daughter, Selma, is an extremely talented young artist. Dana Mars, a breathtaking artist from Argentina, who creates some wickedly gorgeous art. Check her out. RamsHouseTV, my dudes, a MUST FOLLOW if you love the Rams. I could go on for days about how great they are. Same with every Rams fan club, or organization. The Mob Squad, the Leading Ladies of Mob Squad, DieHardRams booster clubs, Rams World Order, Rams Republic, the World Tour Rams, and the LA Rams Wreckin’ Crew. Shoutout to Cally Bell and Chris Franklin, two of my favorite artists in the UK. Shoutout to Henry Medrano, Calavera Ramchero, Aaron Morris, Xsavier Long, James Acuna, Black Sheep, Raminator, Arlin Pojoy, Erica Avila-Alvarez, Los Ramcheros, Marlene Concha, The Iron Mantis, Phil Tice, Juan Soria, Drodian, Ty Giovani, Missy and Skye Lords, Don B, the Mahalo Network, Jenson’s Art, Noe Ramirez, Chris and Liz Barba, Alexander Jerseys, Rafael Rodrigues, Spider-Ram, Cynn and Serg, SuperxTrueper, Justin Miller, Super Ram, Gary the Ram, Chely Raygoza, Armando Arevalo, Christy Acosta, Ramley Quinn, CJ the Virgo, Rueben Hernandez, Cali Kingz, Fabien Bianto, Trenton Laird, Henry Espinoza, Eli Ochoa, Isaac Ramirez, Alfredo E, Oscar Aguilera, Fernando Verduzco, Carla Marie, Kev McDEAD, John Torres, J Winden, Matty Means, Lysa Ramirez-Sosa, Jarrad Rupley, Juan Zepeda, and SO MANY MORE that I’ll have to shoutout in future interviews. Thank you all SO MUCH for who you ARE and what you DO.
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Image Credits
Fiya Mayne