We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Fernanda Vaca a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Fernanda, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Can you recount a story of an unexpected problem you’ve faced along the way?
Everything started in the year 2020 when I wrote a Novel called “Eternal Now- Love is Love” . This is a minimalist book that talks about family, relationships, love, death and more and more philosophical matters. I wrote this book to participate in a National Award for Ecuadorian Writers so I decided to finally write a book of mine for an opportunity to win $10,000. Really sad I didn’t win the Award and also the money disappeared. I was really disappointed because I had high expectations for my literary work but I lost the Award and I think that it was the beginning of a series of unfortunate events. NOW I understand all these events and issues were created for me because of performing in a negative way about myself. Well I am trying to say that I got a deep depression with physical anxiety because I thought I failed for being a fool.
One year later, when I was in the process of healing, I decided to enter Instagram as “Love is Love ” to sell the number of 1000 books for a price of $10. I wanted to give myself the $10 Grants Award to myself selling my book internationally on Instagram.
Well here comes the context of my biggest issue: LOSING MY BOOK INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT.
When I started sending content about my book to achieve the sales I found that business account who actually offers packaging for promos and it is like an inorganic audience that they give to you unreal followers who are not really interested in you. Well, my first failure with my plan of selling 1000 books for $10 each one was a BIG DISASTER, I decided to pay for a promo on Instagram to those kinds of business accounts who give you followers. And I think that if maybe I had more money to spend I could see better results but no. I lost all my promo dollars on these accounts from different groups like witches and LGTBQ groups; but after a time all the promo was paused and then I didn’t have a way to get an organic audience.
That is why I decided to start with a new Instagram account for Love is Love but now I don’t want to sell my book on Instagram, I just want to interact from Instagram like Love is Love who is my unofficial brand since 2020 when I arrived to Instagram in the LGBTQ PRIDE MONTH and was the best experience of my life so I love Instagram and I want to produce quality content to share with the social media on Instagram with information about books and storytelling.
Fernanda, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Sure! Well my borning name is Fernanda Abigail Vaca Hurtado so I got the spiritual name of Ahimsa Radharani one year ago for personal feeling about that and it is also my name as a book author “Eterno Present – Love is Love” I am a lawyer from Ecuador who decided to learn alternative knowledge to create a new reality for my life because I was really worried about being hours and hours solving legal problems and this is why I am a medicine woman connected with the earth, environment and God; so legal matters was really insignificant to me in a certain moment of my life. Well I decided to start writing more frequently and I also made an education about Natural Medicine with Flowers to convert on a healer and now I am studying marketing to put all my knowledge and experience to the humanity service. I learned how to heal myself with creative writing, storytelling and content creation. I really love Artificial Intelligence because it makes my life happier.
Well I think that I try to be an artist and I started in this path three years ago when I wrote my first novel “Eterno Presente – Love is Love” and then I started wanting to being an artist to represent in different ways what my book was trying to say: EAT, PRAY AND LOVE.
Well my products are: my own book and floral medicine and on-line therapy for emotional healing.
What problems do I solve? I solve depression, loneliness, anxiety and even more symptoms like that. Any negative emotion of humans and animals.
I am most proud about being a Medicine Woman because I prefer to be someone on the service to the humanity healing event to be whatever another thing. This is the first for me, The Love for God and Jesus and I am really proud of myself because of that. Thank you God. And thank you Dan and Canvas. I have never done work like this with you and I am really excited about it.
I just want my potential clients/followers/fans to know that I and my brand am here to love them in different ways, with a healing book for the soul, with a sincere smile, with a deep conversation and with all my attention and all my human being and knowledge to serve you with all of my open heart to love fraternally.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?
Definitely it is the opportunity to see your own self performing and looking at your process in different stages.
Are there any resources you wish you knew about earlier in your creative journey?
Oh yes, I really want to know how to use tools like Photoshop, Indesign and more to create, edit and make pretty quality videos for everybody.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://flordeloto2023.company.site/
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/love.is.love_ecuador?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM=
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089725857654&mibextid=ZbWKwL
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fernanda-vaca-72a9b3263
- Tiktok: tiktok.com/ferkawaigirl
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@ahimsa7348
- Other: a06883808@gmail.com
Image Credits
Lany Selassie Lil Mananh