We were lucky to catch up with Erin Paige recently and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Erin thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Can you share an important lesson you learned in a prior job that’s helped you in your career afterwards?
The most important lesson learned from a prior position is to come into every situation from a heart-centered space. The energetic will be felt by all whether they realize it or not.
In 2019, I took a corporate position as a regional sales manager covering all states of west the Mississippi. It was a big territory to cover not only geographically, but also big in the sense I had much to take care of since my predecessor had made promises and claims he knew the company could not keep. Needless to say I was entering into a vast landscape of unhappy and disgruntled clients and customers.
Rather than taking a defensive stance, I decided to take a heart-centered stance.
One appointment stands out the most. My local rep presented me with the backstory as we parked. I listened, then closed my eyes and took in a few deep breaths to center myself and to make sure I was in the best energetic possible. I was introduced to the client and she shared her frustrations. I absorbed every word and waited until she was finished to respond. I offered her my sincerest apologies and we began an open dialog on ways myself and my company could make it right. By the end, she was ready to purchase more from us and my rep stated as we left, “Wow! That was fun to watch. I felt your energy and learned something new today. Thank you!”
As stated above, those around you may not not realize they are taking on your energetic, but they are. What energy are you choosing?
Erin, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
There are many facets to what I offer, but they all have one theme in common – all services and products come from heart space. What does this mean exactly? Ultimately it means I come from a space of love in whatever I do.
Many of us are living and working in a heaviness which over time is taxing on the body – we are in a state of dis-ease. I have been there, done that, and am still a student of life.
My greatest joy is to feel an audience I am speaking to or a client I am working with (coaching or reiki energy) shift into a more love-based state. When this transpires much of the heaviness is lifted and the energy flows more effortlessly in both the room and the individual. People walk out lighter than when they walked in!
In many circles, I am called the DREAM Ignitor and Heart Girl. This is because I ignite the spark in those who are open to dreaming UP and elevating into the infinite possibilities in all areas of their lives through heart-centered guidance.
What does DREAM stands for? Dare. Radiantly. Everyday. And. Moment.
People ask me how I got into this practice and I share with them that it has never been about getting into anything…it is who I am, it is my purpose, and it is what I have been called to do.
So what are the many facets of Erin Paige?
International Speaker
Heart-Centered Coach
Workshop Facilitator
Reiki Energy Practitioner (In-person or remote.)
Intuitive / Medium
If you could go back in time, do you think you would have chosen a different profession or specialty?
If I could go back, the only moment I would change would be the moment when I didn’t listen to my inner voice telling me to go for it and didn’t get into this practice sooner. Most of us are called to follow a certain path, but we let fear get in the way and keep pushing it aside.
Even if you take small steps towards what you are called to do, this is progress. The small steps will start to create long distances, so keep going!
I love the Zig Ziglar quote “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
The biggest hurdle I had to overcome was the noise I heard from other doubtful people which then became the internal voice I kept repeating to myself, “Who are YOU to do this?” I had to unlearn and quiet the limiting belief on repeat in my head.
I rewrote the phrase and started repeating, “Who am I NOT to do this?” This helped me change my belief system into a fact that I have something unique and powerful to share with the world.
We all do!!
Each people living and breathing has a talent or message which is different than everyone else. Claim it. Own it. Share it. We need you!
Contact Info:
- Website: ErinPaige.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/memybestfriend2/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MeMyBestFriend1
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erin-paige-47588718a/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMhAX7Q9fqOZUnDPbtXRfjA