Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Erin Morris. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Erin, appreciate you joining us today. Earning a full time living from one’s creative career can be incredibly difficult. Have you been able to do so and if so, can you share some of the key parts of your journey and any important advice or lessons that might help creatives who haven’t been able to yet?
I have been able to earn a full-time living from my creative work, but it was not easy to get there. I graduated during the pandemic from Missouri State University with a Bachelor of Science in Digital Film and Television Production in 2020. It was very tough finding a job in my field, so I worked as a receptionist for my main source of income. While working as a receptionist, however, I always found myself on a film set. From networking and working my way around the Kansas City film community, I eventually found myself a mentor and everything changed. My mentor helped me get a position as a Camera Operator on a local television show being shot in Overland Park called The Blox. And my career really took off from there. Now, I am working on Season 9 of The Blox and I earned a position as an editor on the show too. Looking back on the past three years, I would say the biggest thing I kick myself for is not accepting a position with The Blox sooner or networking sooner. They say it’s about “who you know” and I believe that to be very true. Networking can get you opportunities faster than any resume can.
Erin, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I’ve always wanted to be in film and television, ever since I was a little girl. I grew up in Kansas City my entire life, but being in California is one of my dreams. I knew to get there, I would have to start small and grow. My mother is a local actress in Kansas City and she started doing films when I was young. When I was 17, I had the privilege of being invited to be an extra on set for a local film. I was in awe and amazed at the production, I knew this is exactly what I wanted to do with my life. You don’t need to go to film school to get into the film industry, but I wanted to go to college for the experience. It was the best choice I could have made. Missouri State University gave me some of the best 4 years of my life. Graduating, even during the pandemic, I never lost my drive. I knew I wanted to succeed in this field, so I worked very hard to find myself positions on film sets. Networking and going to local community meetings got me the position I have today. Now, I work for this amazing video production company called Alchemy Film Co. What sets us apart is that we strive to help entrepreneurs and start-ups thrive in their business by providing professional video services. We take the time to listen to our clients and work with them on what they want to deliver to their audience. We believe that video is the best way to reach customers and we have the evidence from countless marketing studies to back it up. Alchemy also produces, shoots and edits a docu-series called The Blox. We are working on our 9th season this summer.
What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?
My goal driving my creative journey is representation. I fight and strive for representation in film and television. I would love to see more diversity on screen and off the screen. I truly believe everyone deserves to have their story told in a real and authentic way. When I’m on set, I want to make sure the everyone’s voice is heard. I believe to change the film industry, we have to start with behind the scenes. With more writers, producers and directors from different backgrounds, we get a range of stories and emotions we might not have seen before. Representation matters and when someone can relate to a character I write, I know I am doing something right.
We’d love to hear about how you met your business partner.
My business partner is more of my mentor. My mentor’s name is Alden Miller. I met Alden through my mother because several years ago, she auditioned for one of his short films. He must have remembered her, because in 2022 he connected with me through the local film community and added me on LinkedIn. One day, I get a message from him on LinkedIn about an opportunity. I was curious so we set up a call. One thing lead to another and I found myself on the set of The Blox in July of 2022. Alden and I worked closely together those couple of months, and he must have enjoyed my company, because he offered me a full-time position in 2023 with him. I was hesitant at first, because I would be an independent contractor, but you only get one life, and I accepted. I’m so glad I did because now Alden is one of my closest friends, and one of the best road-trip buddies I could ask for!
Contact Info:
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- Instagram: @erinmorrismedia
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