We were lucky to catch up with Erika Perez recently and have shared our conversation below.
Erika , appreciate you joining us today. Was there a defining moment in your professional career? A moment that changed the trajectory of your career?
I think the turning point into my “doula” career was the first training I attended. After the unassisted birth of my son in June of 2019 where I hired a doula to hold space for me, I was set I wanted to do the same. That August I was attending a doula training. The training was 8 hours long and pretty much that was it. If I wanted to become certified I had to read some books, attended three births and a few other things. I never wanted to be certified after that training knowing that path or way of “doualing” is not what I envisioned.
For the last two years before that I followed Indie Birth. Indie Birth is a Private Membership Association of two midwives. I listened to their podcasts, read their blogs and followed their social media. It was from them that I learned that I was capable of birthing my baby how I wanted. I gained immense confidence in myself. I always, thought how cool would be if they came out with a “doula” course. To my surprise they launched their first cohort that same fall of 2019. I had to do it. I was awarded a partial scholarship and asked my friends and family on Facebook for the other half of $200. This was the course I was looking for. Today this course is over $1K and a prerequisite for their midwifery school.
Then I learned there’s different types of doulas. Today, in the birth community is the most common word to describe a labor companion that provides physical, emotional support. Theres also the word Birthkeeper; a hands off birth companion that supports the emotional & spiritual. On the other hand, there are unlicensed midwives that goes by this term. So since I’m not your main stream doula and neither a midwife I rather used the term Birth Companion. I wouldn’t like to be known for how good I am at hospital births but rather at homebirths. That’s where my heart is. I don’t discard the idea of being a midwife one day.
Erika , before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I’m a mom of three, ages 20, 6, & 3. Like most people who get in birthwork it started with my own experience. I started immersing myself into physiological birth after the birth of my second child. She was born in November of 2016 shortly after I was having many ah-hah moments of why her birth ended up being the way it did. A 38 hour induction due to “IUGR” that was the most hardest thing I’ve ever done. After two years of learning I went on to have my third baby alone with his dad and a doula. I remember hiring the doula just to be onstanby. I clearly told her I might not call her. Well, I did. She arrived an hour before the baby was born of the 12 hour labor. My labor with my last was everything a woman should be able to witness and feel. It was life altering, I felt reborn, it wasn’t painful, I had a new meaning of life, I was transformed. I wholeheartedly believe this is the transformation that we are bypassing with all the technology. The real transformation that makes Mother’s mother.
I provide Birth Companionship to people who want to Birth Undisturbed. People who only need someone to witness them. I support freebirths and that’s what sets me apart from others. Most “doulas” are trained that freebirths are dangerous and therefore shouldn’t attend them. But my freebirth is the reason why I’m here. I also offer birth photography. Because I remember wanting to have my freebirth document but I didn’t want extra people in my energy field, specially someone I didn’t know. When we prepare for a physiological birth this matter. We need privacy, to feel safe and unobserved. I can now solve that problem by doing both! No need to hire extra people. I also offer Placenta Encapsulation and Belly Binding to make life easier to an already mushy pregnant brain. We don’t have the energy or brain cells to shop around. It’s a convenience for sure.
What I’m most proud of is leading the way for other doulas to lose the stigma about supporting unassisted births. I can see my community being more open to it now. I’m proud to have follow the beat of my own drum when people were trying to fit me into one specific doula category. I want to be know simply for someone who trusts birth. That we don’t need saving from the transformative experience that its birth but rather to be witness. I am more of an in-person, connection type of being. So, you won’t see too much of that through my social media. Also, I’m very open minded and birth is unpredictable. I don’t believe is vaginal birth at all cost.
I’m going into my third year of attending births. I’m reaching 20 families supported. I see clients within 1 hour radius of Murfreesboro. I have attended Breech Without Borders workshop with Dr. Hayes and will be potentially attending a homebirth with him in March here in Franklin. I had the opportunity to work with a three times Grammy Award winner singer/songwriter. I strive to be inclusive and honor where everyone is on their journey.
Training and knowledge matter of course, but beyond that what do you think matters most in terms of succeeding in your field?
How we carry ourselves. Our energy. Being true to who you are. Seeing people as people. Simply being myself and not trying hard to be selected by a family that clearly we aren’t a good match. The interview process is like a speed date. Go with your gut. It’s ok to refer out.
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
Not giving up even when I didn’t have the support I needed. Childcare is crucial when you have to leave at 2 am and get the kids in the car. Being gone for many hours at a time with no sleep to get home and tend to your own kids & home. Doing the work for the first two years with no A/C in the car. Ignoring every time I heard I needed to quit, it was too much for me. I do it because its my passion.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.birthingundisturbed.com/
- Instagram: Www.instagram.com/birthingundisturbed
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BirthingUndisturbed
- Other: Google Reviews Birthing Undisturbed – Holistic Doula & Birth Photographer https://maps.app.goo.gl/a76YHxUNLTmQZ58P9
Image Credits
Wreen Rising Photography, LLC Birthing Undisturbed, Erika Perez, Wrenn Rising Photography