We were lucky to catch up with Elizabeth Kahn recently and have shared our conversation below.
Elizabeth, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Do you wish you had waited to pursue your creative career or do you wish you had started sooner?
This has been a question I have been asking myself my whole life. Because I didn’t pursue a career in the arts right away, I always wondered if I made a mistake. I would go back and forth in my head about whether or not I made the right decision of not pursuing my creative career early on in my life, rather than waiting until now to. To give you background context on my life: I began singing at 21-months-old, I began playing the piano around 8-years-old, and I began writing songs and composing music at 10-years-old. For the longest time, the answer would be I wished that I would have started sooner. But now that I’m getting my singing career going and I’ve been working on myself, I see the bigger picture. I am pursuing my singing career right on time.
When I look at my life, it wasn’t like I was sitting around waiting for things to happen. I was pursuing a whole different career path for a bit, a commendable one in the environmental sustainability sector at that. I was gaining higher education degrees and working in another space that brings me joy for years. I have no regrets about that, if anything I’m grateful I have those chapters in my life. It only makes my life journey that much richer and fulfilling. So, in short, I’m satisfied with pursuing my creative career now. Also, if I didn’t pursue everything else prior in my life I wouldn’t be as prepared and ready to really get my singing career going now.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I am an independent artist who is a singer and songwriter. As an up-and-coming artist, I am still trying to figure out the direction I want to go as an artist. But in the meantime, I would say that my genre is alternative pop. My main goal as a singer is to unapologetically share my unique tone and vocals through my music with the world. Being a singer is cathartic to me as I get to share about my hardships, traumas, and triumphs in life in a productive and career -oriented manner. I do this through streaming on platforms, creating interactive music videos, and performing at live events.
My debut album, “Redemption” was released on October 13, 2023 at 12:00 AM (Pacific Time) as well as my “Redemption” official music video, and I also had a live performance through a partnership with Project PeaceMakers, Inc. (an educational domestic violence agency) for “A Night of Remembrance” event.
It is a 9-song album that takes a cathartic look at my life. From overcoming toxic relationships and creating healthy boundaries and self-respect for myself to learning more about who I am and learning to love every aspect of myself to dealing with my imposter syndrome.
You can find my debut album on Spotify, Apple Music (iTunes), and all streaming platforms. You can also find my official music videos on my YouTube Channel: Elizabeth Kahn Music. As well as my official website: www.elizabethkahnmusic.com. You can also follow me on Facebook: Elizabeth Kahn Music, Instagram: @elizabethkahnmusic, and TikTok: @elizabethkahnmusic
What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?
Now that I am actually pursuing a creative career, I can say the most rewarding aspect is being able to do what I love in life. It is truly the best and most freeing feeling there is. I feel so grateful that I am able to focus solely on something that I am not only gifted in, but I absolutely love doing. I am a very selfless person that always thought I needed to pursue a career doing something to make the world a better place. But recently someone close to me told me to think about that question the other way around in regards to what can the world do for me? That allowed me to see the full vision of what I am trying to do in my life. It’s a matter of me focusing on myself and feeling good about doing something for myself in life. In other words, being a singer isn’t a selfish career path, but it is a healthy one for myself as it is something that I truly want to do in life. Also, my mom always told me that if I became famous, I could use my fame as a platform to talk about environmental and social issues that are important to me. See, the funny thing in life is, is that my parents, my life partner, my friends, and my community have always believed in me, but the one person that truly mattered didn’t … now I believe in myself. I am also so lucky to have so much support as being a creative is a very unpredictable career path in life.
As long as I can create music, perform, and share my voice with those that want to listen – that is the reward in itself. It is so energizing to pursue goals for all of the right reasons in life because you realize that it truly is about the journey and very little about the destination. That revelation has truly changed my perspective in life and I believe has given me that right mindset to truly thrive as a singer.
Is there a particular goal or mission driving your creative journey?
My whole life has been filled with checking goals off of my lists. But recently I have realized that a lot of that doesn’t matter in my life. What does matter is that I’m living in the moment and I’m truly enjoying every second of it. I have faith that money, fame, and opportunity will come to me with time. But at the end of the day, I want to make sure that I maintain what is truly important to me in my life – my health, my community (in time will become my fans), doing what I love (and in turn it will make the world a better place). My only goal and mission being an indie singer is to enjoy this wild and fun ride and to make sure that I do not miss out on any of these moments. I do not want to keep thinking about what is happening next as now is enough. I am enough.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.elizabethkahnmusic.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethkahnmusic/?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Elizabeth-Kahn-Music/100086489967286/?mibextid=LQQJ4d
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@elizabethkahnmusic
- Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@elizabethkahnmusic?_t=8gNduPc71m2&_r=1
Image Credits
Photographer: Annalisa Monet (2023)