Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Elaine Drouin . We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Alright, Elaine thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. We’d love to hear about when you first realized that you wanted to pursue a creative path professionally.
I’ve always loved being in the kitchen. Even as a child, whether I could bake or not, I always had a concern for presentation. Always wanted it to look pretty. The holidays were always the best time to bring out my creative side. Whether it was a cake, a trifle, pastries, etc., it had to be pretty. Having said that, never did I have the urge to bake for a living. It was Christmas 2010, I had baked a cake and was so happy with the way it turned out and had so much fun doing it, that I thought to myself, in my next life I’m going to be a Pastry Chef. Well, I never thought in a million years that my next life was just a few months away. After we got through the holidays, right after New Year’s, I made a resolution to do something, anything, for myself that year. So, I got on my computer, and just for the fun of it, I wanted to see what it would take to become a Pastry Chef. The first thing that came up was Le Cordon Bleu so I clicked on it. There was a short form to fill out to get information. That’s all I wanted was information, so I filled it out. I swear, within 15 mins. of sending them my info the phone rang and it was a representative from Le Cordon Bleu!!! And it was on a Saturday!!!! Lol. Long story short, the woman on the other end of the phone, Tonya Champion, became my advisor, AND biggest cheerleader. And before I knew it I was enrolled in the Patissérie & Baking Associates program at Le Cordon Bleu Atlanta.
Elaine, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Well, I got into this industry late in life, as I am not only a mother, but a grandmother of four beautiful grandchildren. I’ve often referred to it as a midlife crisis. Lol. When I enrolled at Le Cordon Bleu I pretty much had zero experience when it came to baking. And I say that because many of the students in my class had been baking/selling cakes for years. I had never baked for anyone other than my family. My intention was to learn all the techniques to be able to create a business for myself but I had no idea what I wanted to do. I had no idea what I was even capable of doing. The only thing that I knew for sure was that I was NOT going to get into the cake business. I wanted no part of it and kept saying that for the next two years. At first, while learning to make dozens of different types of breads, rolls, etc., I thought that’s what I’ll do. I’ll make breads and sell them!!! Then we had our chocolate class and I was like, that’s it, I’ll make chocolates and sell them!!! I did that with almost every class. Lol. But I was NOT going to make cakes. Then we learned how to make sugar flowers and that was it for me. I fell in love. I loved it so much that I asked my Chef one night if I could just do that and get paid for it. And he said, actually, you can. And that’s when I knew what I was going to do. Make cakes. Lol. I needed something to put my flowers on!!! That’s all I wanted to do was make sugar flowers. In the beginning though, I tried to do it all. As I struggled, literally, trying to create all these different cakes that were coming my way I was miserable. I felt like I wasn’t any good at it at all and I hated most of what I was doing except when I got orders for wedding cakes with sugar flowers. I was in my element. That’s when I decided that sugar flowers were my niche and I had to stay true to myself. And that’s when I decided to do only what I felt that I was really good at. Sugar Flowers. Fast forward to today and that’s exactly what I do. Create/design wedding cakes. The people that come to me are specifically looking for someone who can create the lasting look of sugar flowers. And that’s what I’ve become known for. I’ve created many wedding cakes, special occasion cakes, cupcakes, etc. drenched in sugar flowers. However, I’ve had many bakers/chefs who have also hired me to make sugar flowers for their cakes as well. Making sugar flowers takes a lot of time & patience and not everyone has the time or wants to do it so they hire me. Sugar flowers, I feel, have been a lost art and only in the last few years, are again in the forefront. Although there is nothing more beautiful than real flowers, sugar flowers will stand the test of time when decorated on a wedding cake. (And I pride myself on making them look as real as possible). The bride doesn’t have to worry about the flowers wilting no matter how long it takes for the photos to be taken or the cutting to take place. They will be photo ready throughout the entire day/evening. And I’ve had many brides who have saved the flowers! They will last years if you take care of them. Just keep at room temperature, out of direct sunlight and those memories will last for a very long time.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?
For me, the most rewarding part of being a creative is getting hired to create a wedding cake for one of the most important days in a brides life. I’m always excited & honored at being chosen to create something so special. To create a memory that will last a lifetime. And the honor of being able to be a part of those memories. That’s very special to me. And to think that several years later, a bride who has saved my sugar flowers, can look back and reminisce on the best day of her life and smile because she’s still holding a little piece of it in her hand.
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
There are many challenging situations that lurk in the distance when it comes to creating elaborate cakes. You just never know which one, if any, will show up. Lol. Whether it’s the rain, humidity, traffic or pedestrian!!! I once had a young guy run out in front of my car in Atlanta while delivering a wedding cake!!! The cake was in the back along with trays of sugar flowers to be placed on the cake. Sometimes the flowers will be placed at the venue for fear that they may break while transporting. Needless to say, I slammed on the breaks. (I really thought I was going to hit him). All I heard were my sugar flowers that went flying everywhere!!!! OMG, I was panicked. Stopped to assess the damage and it didn’t look good at all. Once I got to the venue and was able to really see the damage to the flowers I was a bit relieved. Only I really knew how they originally looked. A few petals here and there strategically removed and the design, oh so slightly, altered and all was well in MY cake world. Actually, as I was finishing up, the bride came up behind me and was so happy because she loved it so much!!! Crisis averted!!! You know, life happens, stuff happens. Things will happen that are completely out of our control and there’s nothing you can do about it. But there’s always a Plan B. The only problem is, I never know what that Plan B is until I need to use it. Lol. Somehow in the end, it always works out. We make it happen.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @elainedrouincakes
- Facebook: Elaine Drouin Cakes