We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Dr. Katheryn Thompson a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Dr. Katheryn, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today One of the most important things small businesses can do, in our view, is to serve underserved communities that are ignored by giant corporations who often are just creating mass-market, one-size-fits-all solutions. Talk to us about how you serve an underserved community.
Courcities International is for a Cause, not just because. We are a consulting and promotions company specializing in community public relations and campaigns.
As an All-In-One events and consulting company servicing individual brands, businesses, organizations, and programs; Courcities helps clients engage supporters, increase positive impact, inspire people to achieve based on personal Vision, and customized community cause related marketing campaigns. We assist communities directly by providing life instruction and entertainment through promotional events, working directly with the people affected.
Within targeted communities, Courcities has raised funds to support services needed in specific communities. Courcities connects people to resources providing additional education, tools, and follow-up programs necessary to be empowered. We are connecting people to tools and resources. “For every person saved the community is served fruit from the tree most watered and nurtured”, – DrK.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
I AM DrK AllTheWay the force behind Courcities, “We are for a Cause, not just because.” Dr. Katheryn Thompson, DrK is “Passionate for a Cause”. Advocating for worthy causes is the Vision. A No More Violence Movement Tour was curated in 2016 consisting of 40 states.
DrK All TheWay is the Plug to “Your Community”.
Purpose vs Violence 2023 is to “Make Purpose Popular” and launches in Houston at Evans E. Worthing HS, May 30th. #2023MakePurposePopular
Michael Bill, owner of Bill Clair Family Mortuary, Reginald OG-1 Gordon, creator of the famous Texas prison program “Scared Straight”, My Brother’s Keeper (MBK), Ft. Worth Executive Director Rickie Clark, and serial entrepreneur “Da Backwood Ambassador”, Lex Luga focus on Potential, Passion, and Purpose. Students will learn that violence can be unlearned. Conflict resolution will help provide key information to students.
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
I AM DrK.Wakanna Stroke Survivor. Early 2022, I was told brain damage from over 15 years of minor strokes contributed to at the age of 39 utilizing a walker full-time. God’s Grace is attributed to me being here today. DrK.Wakanna exhibits resilience and tenacity to live. The real king of the jungle is not ️the lion, the real king of the jungle is the jungle itself. #DrkRunningwithTurtles.
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
I AM Katheryn TheHumble Passionately Persistently Pursuing His Planned Purpose for me. First, I identified with my God-Given Gifts, everyone has at least one. This is the Potential that was formed in me before I was born. The desire to act on Potential is the burning Passion within. Understanding Purpose and accepting to fulfill Destiny requires a sound mind. #DrkMentalHealthSafety
Contact Info:
- Website: courcities.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/drkalltheway/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/drkalltheway/
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/dr-katheryn-thompson-95bb70261/
- Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xV1BGpDTH2iVA_-PpbJBA
- Other: KatKeyco.com DrK.Wakanna.com
Image Credits
DrK AllTheWay thanks Texas Drone Services, for a genuine partnership.
November 10th, 2023 Houston Homegrown Invitational Celebrity Golf Tournament, Cause: Veterans, PTSD/mental health, suicide prevention.
Sincere thanks Michael Bill of Bill Clair Funeral Home and Houston Shop Inc. for seeing Vision!
Purpose vs Violence 2023, Focus: Potential, Passion, Purpose, it’s a movement!
Courcities International extends gratitude to Hood Idol. Lex Luga’s work ethic and grind is unparalleled. Let’s Get It!