We were lucky to catch up with Dr. Ashley Nazon recently and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Dr. Ashley thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. If you had a defining moment that you feel really changed the trajectory of your career, we’d love to hear the story and details.
It is amazing how you will have a plan for your life, but God has other plans for you. I started my career by going to law school. I had a vision of being family law attorney since my undergrad degree was in social work. Life happened! I had a terrible breakup right before I started law school and at the age of 22 I did not know how to manage school and my personal life. I flunked out of law school 1L year, despite my efforts of bringing up all my grades the spring semester. This was a defining moment in my career. I felt defeated and found myself feeling like a failure. I went back to what I knew, social work. I started off working for a home health company doing therapy with the elderly in their homes. That experience made me fall in love with social work all over again. That spark led me to go back to school to get my masters in social work. This was the best decision of my life. Getting back into the field of social work has led me to work with many populations. I have gained invaluable experiences in social work that have led me to open my own private practice to serve populations from all walks of life, My practice is currently serving Florida, Texas, and Georgia.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
Hello, my name is Dr. Ashley Andrea Nazon and I am a psychotherapist. I found myself going into private practice after a not so great experience with a prior practice. I wanted to take a different approach to mental wellness and the best way to do that was for me to start my own practice. My practice takes a holistic approach to mental health. This simply means that we explore all areas of your life and health. Our physical health and how we live our lives are all connected. Our motto is ” Holistic Health Leads to a Healthier Living,” which truly encompasses our passion and approach to our clients.
The best thing about my practice is that my therapists and I make sure all our clients feel supported and comfortable. I am very proud of the brand we are becoming. The best compliments we have received from clients is that they do not feel like they are in therapy and can be themselves with us.
Do you have any insights you can share related to maintaining high team morale?
The best advice I can give for managing a team is being a transformational leader. A transformational leader supports their team, encourages them to be autonomous, includes them in decisions that may effect them, and overall allowing them to be their true and authentic selves.
Putting training and knowledge aside, what else do you think really matters in terms of succeeding in your field?
Knowledge and training are great ways to be successful in the social work field, but to have long term success there has to be a passion for serving others.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.ahthgroup.com
- Instagram: @ahthgroup
- Facebook: A Holistic Therapy Group
- Other: www.psychologytoday.com