We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Douglas Galloway. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Douglas below.
Hi Douglas, thanks for joining us today. When did you first know you wanted to pursue a creative/artistic path professionally?
On my first day in grade school, the teacher asked the class to draw what we wanted to be when we grew up. Most of the children did drawings of policemen, firemen, nurses, etc… I drew an “Artist”… fully detailed with a black beret, black artist smock, goatee (complete with curly moustache,) and holding a painters palette in one hand and pair of brushes in the other. I look back on that memory of little 6 year old me and know that there has never been doubt as to what path I wanted to pursue.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
I grew up on the border of Louisiana and Texas. My father comes from a line of West Texas cotton farmers and New Mexico cowboys. My mother’s roots reach deep into the southern parts of South East Texas and Louisiana, stretching as far as New Orleans and Mississippi. As a child I remember spending our summers traveling from one of these regions to the other. As an adult, I have been fortunate enough to call New Orleans and the beautiful city of San Antonio home. My paintings are my journal. Each layer of colors and cut out shapes are a glimpse into my personal experiences with the people and places that have shaped my life’s journey. My most recent series of paintings, simply entitled “Oaxaca”, is a deeply personal expression of my experiences in Oaxaca, Mexico and a celebration of the beauty and authenticity I encountered there. From the dedicated craftsmanship of mezcaleros to the soulful expression of local artists, I was struck by the deep bond between people, land, and nature. One story, in particular, resonated deeply as it hit very close to home – the essential role of bats from San Antonio in pollinating agave, integral to the creation of mezcal. With my home being in San Antonio, it serves as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all life and the divine presence that binds us together. It is my sincere hope that the viewer is reminded of the beauty in our shared humanity and the sacredness of our connection to the world around us.
Have you ever had to pivot?
I had a very successful art career while living in New Orleans. I was working with several galleries. I had an amazing collection of supportive friends and fellow artist. Life was great and everything seemed to be moving in a upward path. This all came to an abrupt end with the arrival of Katrina. I quickly realized that all these connections that had helped shape my vision were swept away by the waters of the Hurricane. It was a devastating loss, one that resulted in me walking away from my art. For ten years I journeyed inward through experiences that led me to chanting with Buddhist leaders, lighting lanterns with Hindu spiritualists, singing and dancing with Sufi, and studying in silence with Gnostic Christians. It was my father who led me back. My Dad and I use to love driving to small towns out in the country looking for junk shops and little antique stores. In reality, it was more of a time for us to talk, and every once and a while, have deep conversations. It was on one of these country drives that my father said the most profound thing, “Doug, I wish you would go back to doing your art. You always seemed the happiest doing what you love.” My father passed away unexpectedly shortly after. Through my grief I kept hearing his words and so, I made the decision to pick up my brush again. I moved to San Antonio, and began to celebrate those things in my life that I hold most dear. I began my art again with a cleared eyed wisdom and renewed purpose.
Is there a particular goal or mission driving your creative journey?
My goal is to continue to live a creative life by doing the work I love. To reach deep inside myself and create paintings that tell my story. In doing so, I hope to inspire others, seeing not just my story but igniting a spark of memory of the people and events that has formed the viewers life as well.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.douglasgallowaystudio.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/douglasgallowaystudio/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/douglasgallowaystudio/