We were lucky to catch up with Diane Mandle recently and have shared our conversation below.
Diane, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Can you open up about a risk you’ve taken – what it was like taking that risk, why you took the risk and how it turned out?
I was living in Amherst, MA with my two teenaged boys. The oldest was already living on his own and the youngest was 17. I had completed my studies in Polarity therapy, Life coaching and Tibetan Bowl sound therapy and wanted to offer an integrated practice that combined all three. The mentality on the east coast didn’t seem open to this and I was feeling frustrated. At the same time I could not face another New England winter. San Diego was the place that seemed to have the best weather in the country and I decided to head there and attempt to start a new life. The California vibe seemed more open to new things and I felt I could do things there that wouldn’t fly on the east coast. I sold and gave away all my belongings except for the few things I needed for the journey. I also brought a small box of extraordinary hand made doorhandles that I had purchased in Nepal. I bought a truck and put a matress in the back and drove to San DIego. I didn’t know anyone and spent a few days exploring the area trying to find someplace to live. I had met a man on my journey over who gave me the number of a women who rented out rooms in Del Mar. She did have a room with private bathroom available for only $300 monthly. As I drove around learning the lay of the land, I noticed a lot of construction going on. One day I took my box of door handles to a construction site to ask if they would be interested in purchasing my 12 door-handles. They were and ordered $1200 more.. I had no idea what to do but took the order, called a friend who helped me make the order in Nepal and get a broker . That was the start of my new business- Distictive Doorhandles. I sold these to many specialized hardware stores all over San Diego. This paid my rent and food as I began the process of creating my Sound Healing practice.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I am an internationally known author, recording artist with Sounds True, Tibetan bowl practitioner, and educator and the only state certified Tibetan bowl practitioner/instructor in California. I have given over 300 educational concert programs in 32 states as well as in India, Costa Rica, Mexico and St. Croix. A frequent guest presenter at the Museum of Making Music, California State University San Marcos, The Golden Door, The Deepak Chopra Center, Rancho la Puerta and NPR radio and television station, KPBS I am a featured expert in the video series: Tao—Living in Balance along with healers such as Dr. Wayne Dyer and John Gray. I maintain a private sound healing practice in southern California and also own and operate the Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing School where I have taught hundreds of students to be effective sound healing practitioners since 2008. Formerly part of the integrative therapy team at the San Diego Cancer Center I developed a successful sound healing program for incarcerated veterans with PTSD. I am most proud of the integrity of those who spend the considerable time to work through our program so they can be the most effective and knowlegable practitioners for their clients.
What do you think helped you build your reputation within your market?
My reputation has been built on my passion, knowledge of the field and ability to effectively empower others through my practice.
Putting training and knowledge aside, what else do you think really matters in terms of succeeding in your field?
It is helpful to educate people as to the benefits of this modality. That can be done through lecture/demos, articles and volunteering in places that could benefit from my services.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.soundenergyhealing.com , www.tibetanbowlschool.com
- Instagram: soundenergy
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soundenergyhealing
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diane-mandle-b6aa889/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/soundenergy
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/soundenergyhealing