We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Diana Verduzco. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Diana below.
Alright, Diana thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. What’s the backstory behind how you came up with the idea for your business?
Seven years ago – I was laying on my yoga mat at Core Power, winding down from an intense Sculpt class and fully sinking into my savasana. All of a sudden, I could hear a voice that was not my own…speaking to me pretty quickly. The first words were “You will be The Divine Designer. You will blend spirituality into your interior design business.” I realized this message was coming through from God/ Source/ whatever you want to call it, and that I needed to act fast to write it all down. I rolled up my yoga mat as quietly as I could, so as to not disturb the rest of the class, and rushed to the locker room. I sat on a bench with my phone and typed for AN HOUR into my Notes app…a channeled message from the literal Universe. When the “automatic writing” download felt concluded, I grabbed all my stuff and walked to my car – kind of in a state of shock. I remember sitting in my car for maybe another half hour, just thinking about the ideas I had been given…how right it all felt…and how I instantly knew it was going to change my life.
Up until that night, my brand new, three-month old design firm had only been focused on exactly that: interior design. When I wrapped up my work days, I’d head to Core Power – there was no overlap of the two. So my love for design and love for yoga/ spirituality/ meditation were very separate forces in my life. When you receive such profound guidance from God, you live and breathe to bring it into reality, day in and day out. The past seven years have been filled with hundreds of projects, amazing and aligned clientele, unbelievable spiritual experiences, many lessons, and blessings. I’ve never looked back. My company exists to integrate your home (or business) and your soul. Your space is your reflection and your vision board. It shows you physical evidence of what’s going on in your psyche; It provides a canvas to aid you in your manifestations. My mission is to help you Find Your OM, at Home…bringing your home into Divine alignment by bridging the gap between your space and your spirituality.
And this is just the beginning.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
What began as a purely creative business quickly morphed into a full-service design firm offering construction drawings, 3D renderings, project management, and turn-key styling. I traded in my high heels for sneakers and spent most my days on freshly-demolished properties that were being prepped for multi-million dollar renovations. The glamour that I was certain this career would offer me was soon a laughable thought – as realistically I was trudging through piles of debris, jack-hammered floors, contractor tools and raw materials scattered about.
I’ve learned so much through this process, though, of getting to remodel or build homes from the ground up (literally). Becoming certified in Feng Shui allowed me to dictate the removal of walls, addition of windows and doors, placement for plumbing and lighting, etc. from a place of knowledge and intention. I was soon working with architects, contractors, electricians, developers, flippers, stagers, landscapers and more, to the point where my firm became extremely comprehensive. And I got BUSY. It’s now been years of nonstop projects (and I’m grateful), but I’m ready to move into the next level…
How about pivoting – can you share the story of a time you’ve had to pivot?
My services are expanding, not necessarily pivoting or changing. The majority of my clients are long-term ones at this point, some having been working with me since 2017. There is always something to work on in your home or business, from new artwork to upgraded technology, to new children rooms, to refreshing bedding and dishware, professional organization, exterior remodels, and much more.
I am lucky to be a part of my clients’ required house staff – much like nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, chefs, etc. And my relationships run so deep, because of the longevity of our work together; We go to dinners on the weekends, I plan their baby showers and kids’ birthday parties, and they mentor me in my life and business. It’s incredibly mutual. I have a full roster of clientele who are “in” with me, and their projects and needs take priority in my calendar. I do accept new clients on referral only.
Looking towards 2024, I am preparing to expand my business model into an even more comprehensive service, where not only do I spearhead design projects, but I also manage the ongoing tasks and regular maintenance necessary for upkeeping a luxury home. This might include: routine re-arranging and styling furniture and decor, upgrading water systems or changing out filters, ensuring burnt out lightbulbs or broken furniture/ equipment are replaced or repaired promptly, booking upholstery cleanings, and generally being the point-person or liaison for managing the overall wellness of the home. Most of my clients are at a really good, settled point with their spaces that I’ve designed – they’re furnished, styled, and functional. I feel that it’s now time to maintain what I’ve designed by stepping into the role of an estate manager. This should allow me to bring the focus back to feng shui, wellness, and ultimate connection between my clients and their homes.
Are there any books, videos or other content that you feel have meaningfully impacted your thinking?
Many years ago I read the book Lunar Abundance by Ezzie Spencer and I am currently re-reading it. It’s all about the esoteric practice of syncing your life with the moon cycles. This, paired with “In The Flo” by Alisa Vitti (for women), has really opened my eyes to the importance of intentional planning. Mapping out your days, weeks, and calendar in general in line with your energy and capacity has been instrumental in approaching business from a softer, more easeful state. I got really into the LA hustle and became a certified workaholic for a long time. This resulted in a decline of my physical, mental, and spiritual health, due to burnout. I’m happy to say that with these books, I am resetting my availability and people’s access to me – from my operating hours, to work days (ie – no more working weekends), to when I’m able to meet at a project site and when I’m “off the clock”. It’s very hard to clock out as an entrepreneur, but I am learning that it’s worth the discipline to do so. I am a much better version of myself for my clients when I’m in balance. Highly recommend these reads.
Contact Info:
- Website: thedivinedesigner.com
- Instagram: @thedivinedesigner