Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Derek Taylor. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Derek, appreciate you joining us today. Alright, so you had your idea and then what happened? Can you walk us through the story of how you went from just an idea to executing on the idea
My idea of becoming a Spiritual Practioner can from my previous career. I was a gym owner and personal trainer, I learned to transform bodies in a short time because I followed my intuition on everything & showed people a simple formula that worked. After years of transforming bodies I started to realize the Mind And Spirit needed as much training. So I developed a plan to transition from working with the physical body to working with the spirit.
Step 1 I began to meditate, I learned to go deep into a meditative state to tap into universal knowledge and begin to remember how to transform myself spiritually through remembering who I am and my purpose. Next i embraced and loved that person and expressed that version of me. Creating a magnetic vibration, this took 6-8 months of meditating everyday for hours. In this step, I became what I wanted to be.
Step 2 I started to attract like minded people. I got certified in hypnosis, then a Doctorate in Divinity and learned how to lead guided meditations. Basically, I found my niche of what I enjoy doing in Spirituality..
Step 3 I joined different Spiritual communities to get a feel of what people were looking for and what they needed. Then started performing guided meditations for groups and because they were helping people so much, I started do One on one sessions that ranged from doing meditations, Chakra, Balancing, Hypnosis, Reiki, Shamanic Journeys, and Spiritual Advising. Now I was working with people and realized my goal was happening.
Step 4 I completely stopped fitness training due to the number of clients I had for Spiritual Advising. However now I had to start creating content for people to see what I did so i could bring in new clients. Which was the most challenging for me because I didn’t like being in front of the camera and what I did was so expansive it was hard to target who needed my services. I finally got figured out then it was time to find a place I could do my work. This was a step where I prepared for a bigger audience.
Step 5 turned a room in my house to an energy healing room. I started with reiki sessions and chakra balancing along with some small group guided meditations. Before long, the groups got too large for the room so I converted my living room into a meditation room. As the numbers grew, I eventually opened up a Healing & Meditation center. This is a step where I created a safe space.
For me, all of this took about four years to get done when I decided move into spirituality full time. The main reason I was successful was because I used a simple formula. Your thoughts create your actions, your actions create your habits, your habits create your paradigm and your paradigms creates your reality.
In order to be successful in any business, you have to know what you want, the direction you’re going in, you have to be persistent and consistently work and accomplishing your goals on the schedule. Basically master yourself and you can master anything.
And most of all learn to have fun with the process. I was able to accomplish success because I mastered my self first and saw my path clearly and continue to see it. However it evolves on a regular bases constantly demanding change and a new version of me. Remember every rebirth demands a new version of you. Be flexible and have fun! Success will follow you everywhere..
Derek, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I have been a practicing Shaman for 12 years, called by spirit to help people along their life and spiritual journeys. I teach people how to love themselves and help them remember that love is the most powerful tool; that when used properly, it can awaken you to your true positive self.
Leading guided meditations for over nine years, allowed me to help people find their way to peace and balance; meditation is the key to mastery. Having performed countless spiritual clearings over the last eleven years, I’ve seen and experienced many things, some beautiful and some not.
Each experience has given me an incredible amount of wisdom; showing me that when we as practitioners open our hearts to help others, we are helping our self. With this I truly understood the concepts of giving and receiving, as well as the powerful energy of love and how it transforms everything it comes in contact with.
As a life coach and Spiritual Advisor I help clients/initiates adapt to forever changing and expanding levels of consciousness within themselves and the community around us. Teaching you to think limitless allows you to begin to change your life one thought at a time. Mentalism and meditation are the keys to facilitating the process. Below is a list of my accomplishments:
– Doctorate of Divinity in Spiritual Healing
– Certified Consulting Hypnotist (National Guild of Hypnosis)
– Certified Practitioner of Timeline Therapy
– Certified NLP Practitioner
– Certified NLP Coach
– Certified Life Coach
– Creator of Polarity Therapy
– Reiki Master
– Sound Therapy
– Certified Medium
– Initiate Awakening the Healing Power of the Heart
– Meditation Leader/Instructor
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
What built my reputation in this market place was consistency. When I say consistency, it’s not about just showing up every day but it’s also about being the product that you’re selling everyday.
So for me that has been my biggest asset when people meet me they know what I’m saying is real because I’m practicing it and I am a walking example of my belief system every day.
People believe what they see so I believe in showing them the product that I am providing by being a living example of its work.
How do you keep your team’s morale high?
My advice for that is putting people where they are the strongest. When people can perform well, the morale stays high. Also, constant positive reinforcement really goes along way. When people feel cared about they stay in a higher vibration.
The other thing I would recommend is meditation, because meditation allows people to quiet their mind and find their inner peace. There are many different types of guided meditations that can facilitate Raising The Vibration of a team. I have several on my meditation app..
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram:
- Facebook: Oracles Touch
- Linkedin: Derek (Shaman Rah) Taylor DD
- Youtube: Oracles Touch