Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Dennis J West. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Dennis J, appreciate you joining us today. We’d love to hear about when you first realized that you wanted to pursue a creative path professionally.
I was in a small singing group, I was kinda the leader of the group. The group’s manager had developed another group we both had a gig the same night not close to each other geographic. Our manager ask me to settle up with the club owner. After the gig was over I go into the Manger’s office he handed me an envelope. I get outside and count it, to my surprise “I was like this is what he gets paid, because I knew what he was giving us”. From that night on I never did no singing nor dancing ever. I started working and Developing other artist “AND PAYING THEM WHAT ARE SUPPOSE TO GET PAID”. That was the beginning other artist wanted me to manage them, negotiate contracts and advise them on all matters. Once I started managing one of the most popular groups “well the most popular and the best in 200-300 mile radius Sequence 8. The rest as they say is history.
Dennis J, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I started being in business at the ripe young age of 12. I use to cut grass in my neighborhood. I had this idea to buy the gas for the other lawn mowers that the maintenance guys would drop off. That way I can cut more yards and pay the other guys for cutting grass. I started throwing parties and dances. Karate shows all kinda events to make money. My entertainment career was halted a little bit due to the fact that I had a corporate job with a major restaurant chain. Later on my manager would give me the weekend off which allowed me to continue we my events. Early on in my music career, I owned a record shop, on air DJ, Party Host and I owned a chain of Karate Schools. I’m most proud of all my accomplishments as a father, I was able to do most of all of my business while being a single father. I had semi-success with a few local artist. Major came in the form of a StagePlay. My very good friend June Delite’s step brother his wife was an author and self publisher of 6 books that she had written. She would always says “you need to meet Donna” I said ok, we finally met at a family function, we talked about what we both did and had done. She knew everything I had done in the music business and how other client thought about and how I had helped a lot of people. We agreed spoke about me managing her career, I didn’t say yes at that time, however I did agree to meet with her. Little did I know she was determined to have me manage her that she called me everyday until we met. When we met I had a Publishing contract as well as a Business Management Contract. We did the deal that day, and she said “OH BY THE WAY” I’ve written several Stage Plays and I have a new one that I’ve already started casting as well as I have a performance date. I going to need your help with the Marketing, promotion and Advertising. You can be the Executive Producer. All the while she’s talking, I’m not saying nothing just going “ok” and thinking up to that point I’ve never ever published a book nor Produced a Stage Play. Then I thought to myself I will approach the book just like a record and spin it that way. The Stage Play I would do it like a major music event. I knew how to do both of those. Needless to say (I found an editor for the book, designed the cover I even took the photo for the cover. I was great we did another thing I came up with (“Pre Selling the Book”) that worked very well due to the fact she had readers already that were patiently awaiting her new release with the ads and other things I had done. The Stage Play was a whole nother story “I thought I knew what I was doing with the Play” IT was closer to my wheelhouse of music events, I approached it like such. TV and Radio interviews I could do that easily. Assembly the cast and have the appear on TV and do radio interviews. Social Media was a really big help. The local media outlets were outstanding to us. The Stage Play “Steppin Out” Written, Produced and Directed by Donna Brown and Executive Producer: Dennis J. West, Starring Kurt Green,Reggie Freeman and Sharon Freeman opened with 2 sold out shows. Critic and Commercial success. I was on top of everyone’s list when it came to putting on major events. I Executive Produced 6 other Stage Plays Co-directed and consulted several others. After the success of so many Stage Plays I was constantly being asked “why don’t you do your own” I would always say no. How about when we make plans “GOD” has a purpose, In December 2013 my Mom got sick I moved back to my hometown to care for her, I was there until she went home to be with the Lord in January of 2015. The blessing in that, I always wrote in my journal so in between caring for her and cooking and just being there for her 100% of the time, when she would sleep I would create. I started reading over my journal and putting things together. Since all of what I had wrote was true I changed names and made characters more interesting. I worked and worked until I had all the Characters. Then I developed a storyline. Lastly I turned it into a Stage Play with 2 acts each 48 minutes long. I let a few people read it that knew me and they were blown away, I let another person read it “that write Plays and I didn’t tell them who? I just said I was given to me “HE TOO WAS BLOWN AWAY” and said this is so good! I was convinced that it was good enough to bring to the stage. Since I knew all the talent from working with other Plays I didn’t need to do a casting. It worked out that The Password, Written, Produced and Executive Produced by:Dennis J. West and Directed by: Anthony R. Page, Starring Nathan Rothwell, Sharon Freeman and Ashley Black opened to the.biggest opening in the Augusta area history. Critical and Commercially successful. After that I started turning away clients, Albrantá Entertainment was flying high. I owe it all to GOD, June Delite, Donna Brown, Anthony Page and Sharon Freeman. It’s been a great ride, I thought I was retiring, however Sequence 8 will do a reunion concert in November and has invited my to participate. At the time of this interview The Password has been rebooted with a November performance date “Hopefully with the entire original cast”. I guided, Mentored and Managed numerous careers of Models, Actress, Actors and Singers. It’s been a labor of love as I enter my semi-retired state I still get calls daily from people in the industry wanted to know a plethora of things and I am honored that they call me and I am glad to give my advice.
Are there any resources you wish you knew about earlier in your creative journey?
The main resource in any industry in my opinion is people, I do all of the research, hard numbers, facts and firgues, but the best thing is a living and breathing person that you can touch. Every person needs to have a Mentor it doesn’t matter what your level is or the level that you think that you are on. It’s always good to have someone that knows where you want to go, what you want to do that you can run a thought, plan or idea by. When I started I knew a lot of people, but none that I could sit down with and share my thoughts, heart and knowledge with. I became that person for a lot of people, but for the most part I learned by watching, reading and being in the room and catching bits and pieces on a conversation. It was like the movers, shakers and deal makers back in the day “was afraid to share knowledge and experiences for some strange reason” . That is the main reason I seek out people that’s doing what I want to do and I just study it and them. That’s why I’m all to happy to share. It no greater feeling that to seeing someone you touched doing their thing, it’s electrifying for them to acknowledge you and just say “THANK YOU”
: Is there a particular goal or mission driving your creative journey?
When I started it was fun, I didn’t know a thing about leaving a legacy. At this point in my life my entire paradigm has shifted, I have grandkids now I spent a lot of time with them everytime we’re together it’s like they are in awe of the stories and life I have lived. The goal and or mission now is to make sure they all finish college, learn a second language, continue to be productive and live a life of purpose and meaning. They all want to read my book “Eleven Summers” it’s my coming of age story from the time I’m ten years old until I’m twenty years old. I will let them read it on their 16th birthdays and get an Autographed copy. Lol
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @dennisjwest
- Facebook: dennisjwest
- Linkedin: dennisjwest
- Twitter: dwest007
- Youtube: dennisjwest
Image Credits
All photos by Dennis J. West