We recently connected with Denisse Peirce and have shared our conversation below.
Denisse, appreciate you joining us today. How did you come up with the idea for your business?
Having been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (Systemic Lupus) in my early twenties, I struggled with managing my symptoms using traditional western medicine. As the years passed, I explored many different opinions from other medical practitioners. I was advised to take a different approach. So I began to research different holistic healing modalities used through out the world. After months of trial and error, I found that Chinese herbal treatment, diet and yoga was a combination that helped me manage my symptoms better. But in the beginning, I was very inconsistent with my practice. I was struggling with learning how to eat healthier. I was also taking regular classes at the local yoga studios, and due to my limitations (flare ups/arthritis pain) I would feel worse most of the time. There were days where I could practice fairly comfortably and others where I could not even come down to the floor to sit without crying out in pain. I felt defeated and even embarrassed so I decided to keep my practice at home. It was safer that way. I began exploring ways to modify and make the yoga accessible to my individual needs. I used props such as pillows, blocks, and blankets. On the really difficult days, my practice consisted of me staying in bed. As I began to use these modifications, I noticed that by allowing the postures to fit my physical needs not only was I feeling better but I was learning to calm my anxiety and was slowly coming out of living in survival mode, something I had struggled with my whole life. The longer I stayed consistent the better I would feel and I started to go weeks without flare ups at times. I knew right then that I needed to share this with the world. Here we are trying to fit the person into the yoga without realizing we needed to fit the yoga to the person. Everybody is different with different backgrounds, limitations, needs and even beliefs. I realized yoga needs to fit each person, not the other way around. Months later and with improved symptoms, I decided to deepen my practice and began my Teacher training in Trauma Informed Yoga. After graduating, I was hired at a rehabilitation clinic where I was able to use all of the techniques I learned with my own practice as well as my teachings to modify somatic movements and yoga classes for the patients. I was able to work with people from many walks of life who had Traumatic Brain Injuries, Chronic Pain and even PTSD and anxiety disorders. I knew I was working with a very small portion of the population. I began to think, what about everyone else? That is when I realized that I knew what my next steps would be. It was time for me to dive into opening my own studio and to help make yoga accessible to all populations. After all, Yoga is for EVERY BODY.
Denisse, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I have created a space for individuals from all walks of life who would like to explore yoga without feeling limited due to language barriers, physical limitations, lack of knowledge or even backgrounds. Atma Prema Yoga which stands for Self-loving yoga aspires to share the knowledge of healing by connecting to the self. Rather than looking for answers outside of ourselves, we can find them with in with breathing, meditation and moving the body. To being able to feel safe enough to explore looking with in the self for the answers. I am a strong believer that part of our purpose in this life is to be able to come back to ourselves despite all of our conditioning, societal expectations, and self imposed beliefs. That once you can find that connection the rest will fall into place including bettering our health, relationships and over all quality of life. I know now that, had I not looked into understanding myself using my yoga practice I would still be trying to heal from my own disease but from the challenges of not being able to to give myself the love I deserve. I hope this space I have created allows any person to feel safe enough drop their armor, to dive into understanding their physical challenges/ limitations and to explore how they themselves can heal through love. Atma Prema yoga offers several styles of the practice for all levels of experience. Using a combination of Breathing exercises gentle stretches and more advanced postures we combine it with invitational language to give the choice to how their practice will fit them each time they show up on their mat. And they can then take those practices home to begin to live in a more patient and compassionate way with themselves and others.
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
Despite having started so young with my diagnosis combined with my own unresolved childhood trauma. I still always had an inner knowing that I had to experience those challenges for a bigger purpose. In one way or another I knew I was here to be of service. And even though all of those struggles and the countless times I felt defeated, I pushed myself to grow through those unique challenges of my path. I was determined to keep going. Once I felt I found my calling, I was all in supported or not. I know I am here to share my story unapologetically and to offer all of the knowledge I have acquired from my personal yoga practice to my illness to all of the experiences along my journey. I hope that people can see through my story that the only person who can hold you back is yourself. And once you open up to processing the healing needed nothing can stop you from tapping into your full potential.
Can you open up about how you funded your business?
I was advised to apply for a small business start up loan through a loan agency who provides financial support to women and minority own businesses. Combining the loan and all of my personal savings, I hope to continue to make enough of a profit to continue to service my communities and make the yoga studio accessible to low income families as well and underserved communities.
Contact Info:
- Website: Atmapremayoga.org
- Instagram: @atma_premayoga
- Facebook: Atma Prema Yoga