We recently connected with Danielly Rocha and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Danielly thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Alright, so we’d love to hear about how you got your first client or customer. What’s the story?
Growing up in Brazil, I was active and athletic until immigrating to the US. Being new to this country and without a network of family and friends, I used food to comfort my loneliness and emotions, quickly gaining 45 pounds with soaring cholesterol. I tried losing weight through every diet book, took diet pills, and constantly searched for weight-loss shortcuts, mostly feeling frustrated and depressed. One day, I was watching Total Divas ( WWE on E! channel) and saw their beautiful bodies. That day, I felt fed up with my sluggish lifestyle, and I finally got myself motivated about health and well-being.
I lost 40lbs, and exercise, nutrition, and mindfulness became a huge part of my life. Every time I learned new excises, I was teaching and motivating people that I didn’t really know. People kept asking me to become a trainer, but I didn’t think I was good enough. One day, one person asked me if I could train him, and I said no, but he said he would pay me $35 per session, and I couldn’t believe it, since I was making $20/hour in my corporate job. I said YES, and I noticed that I was already teaching everything I knew and motivating people for free, so getting paid was much better. I decided to get as much certification as possible, and one year later, I quit my job and opened Danielly’s Fitness.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
Most people have tried everything to lose weight. Weight loss is more than just a low-carb diet and a crazy amount of cardio. In this Mind Body Transformation, you will know how to live in a healthy way and understand that our mind is in charge and designs our lives. What you think, how you act, and what happens to you greatly impact your body. In this 8-week Mind Body Transformation Program, you will get to the root cause, find a healthy solution for your growth, connect with your inner self, and bring you to the present moment.
Our program is based on a unique methodology that aims to take care of you from the inside out. We will guide you through an integrated mind-body-spirit practice that will help you release and heal emotions you may be holding onto, and cultivate a strong sense of empowerment both mentally and physically.
This program includes techniques from Neuro-linguistic programming, Fitness, Nutrition, Mind-Body Medicine, Yoga, Mindfulness, and more. These modalities will help you develop a deeper level of awareness in everyday experiences and, as a result, an increased ability to cope with the emotional, physical, and psychological challenges that face us in our daily lives.
Can you talk to us about how your side-hustle turned into something more.
Personal training was my side hustle. I was fortunate to work for a corporation from 6 am to 2:30 pm, and I didn’t have kids then, so I would work until 9 pm and work every weekend. I knew I wanted to do this full-time but was too scared to leave my current job, so I planned every step with Mind Map. One year later I was able to quit my job.
Alright – let’s talk about marketing or sales – do you have any fun stories about a risk you’ve taken or something else exciting on the sales and marketing side?
when I worked in the insurance industry, I felt that my accent and being from a developed country people didn’t trust me to do their finances, like I didn’t have enough knowledge. I even tried to try to lose my accent, but when I became a personal trainer, I believed I should embrace where I came from. I wanted people to know my name, and remember that I was the Brazilian trainer. I bought a Ford Transit, and the entire car was my logo (which is my picture lifting weight) and slogan: Danielly’s Fitness, your Brazilian trainer. People would forget my name, but never forgot my car and where I came from.
Contact Info:
- Website: daniellysfitness.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daniellysfitness/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daniellysfitness
- Linkedin: danielly rocha-lanter
- Youtube: daniellysfitness
- Yelp: daniellysfitness
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