Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Dana Williams . We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Dana , thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Risk taking is something we’re really interested in and we’d love to hear the story of a risk you’ve taken.
About a year and 6 months ago me and husband took the leap of faith and packed everything we owned in Dallas, Texas and drove 24 hours to move to Los Angeles, to chase our dreams. This was in the middle of the pandemic, we both lived in Texas for many years and decided it was time for a CHANGE. We are both entrepreneurs in the entertainment and business fileds and no matter what we did, we knew we always had each others back. Even though it was a challenge living in a new city, with no friends or family around us this was a risk we were willing to take to better our lives and future. Now we are both florishing in our business & careers together!
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I’m an entrepreneur, girl boss, and leader. From Digital Marketing, Real Estate, to Celebrity Fashion styling & designing, I like to call myself a jack of all trades. I build websites, do graphic design, event planning, content curation & social media management. I never like to limit myself, and always like to try new things.
I built my own fashion brand, Cua Collection from teaching myself how to sew, and now I’m conquering my dreams! I have been placed in several magazine covers, done fashion shows, and have had the opportunity to style celebrity clients!
My other business venture I built with my partner, Desmond Williams and together we have our own Digital Marketing firm, Devoted Agency & our Real Estate business, Devoted Agency Home Solutions. I am proud of where we came from and started and watching our businesses evolve overtime.
What else should we know about how you took your side hustle and scaled it up into what it is today?
When I first started Digital Marketing, I was creating content for myself, my brand, and my partner. From consistency, hard work, and dedication it’s now my full time occupation. My husband and I came up with our new business venture together and built our company, Devoted Agency. A full service Digital Marketing Agency. We specialize in website design, social media management, photography, events and more! We have clients that range from retailers, restaurants, influencers, artists, and more. I love being self-employed because I make my own rules, choose who I want to work with, and the hours I want to put it in, and the results are more rewarding at the end when knowing everything came from you.
Where do you think you get most of your clients from?
The best source of new clients for me, has been word of mouth. Once you apply & put yourself out there more, connect with others, and network, you suddenly see yourself evolving and new clients reaching out to you because they love what they see online or in person, or love what they hear from other people.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @dana_cua | @cua.collection | @devotedagency
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