We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Dalton England. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Dalton below.
Hi Dalton, thanks for joining us today. Let’s kick things off with your mission – what is it and what’s the story behind why it’s your mission?
The story behind my mission comes from my passion for team sports. Up until I started my journey as an entrepreneur, I was nothing more than a kid who played baseball. Baseball taught me resilience, discipline, accountability, respect, and so much more. Through my coaches, teammates, and the game itself, baseball helped me develop many of the skills I possess today. However, I didn’t realize the most important aspect of the game until I made it to the college level–team chemistry. I played my first two years of college baseball at Scottsdale Community College in Arizona as a walk-on following a 2-year break after high school when I essentially “quit” playing until I decided I didn’t want to go the rest of my life thinking “what if I kept playing?” Getting to experience a life that lacked the same purposeful feelings that baseball gave me was something important that I frequently shared with my teammates. During the two years I spent at Scottsdale, the team became like a brotherhood. We played hard on and off the field together. We basically made it a requirement that each person show up to every team party, because we knew that if there’s one thing that wins championships, it’s team chemistry. That second year, we ended up winning our conference championship and went on to play in the Junior College World Series. It was the best season of baseball I had ever experienced with the best group of guys I know. We had one thing on our minds and knew as long as we worked together, we could achieve it. That same approach is what drives me to do what I do today. I started a company with a focus on community development and empowering others to make their dreams a reality. They say you are product of the people you surround yourself with, so I’m doing my best to surround my company with likeminded, passionate visionaries.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers
My name is Dalton England and I am the owner and founder of The Tie Dye Company. In July of 2018, I left a job I was extremely unhappy with in search of something better. For the next few months, I started selling everything I owned on eBay and learning anything I could about e-commerce. Eventually, using a program that shows you what consumers are searching for and how many online sellers provided the product, I discovered a huge hole in the online market for tie dye. The big moment that led to the creation of my brand was in August 2018, when I saw the domain name TheTieDyeCompany.com was still available. I bought it immediately, even though I had no experience or interest in tie dye before this. I believe this epiphany-like moment is when I started to rewire my brain for a new purpose in life. While tie dye, or fashion, has never been my passion, I have always been a passionate person with anything I do and have confidence that my passion will take me far in whatever I choose to do. With this newfound discovery, my mission has been to build a vehicle for creative success that empowers others and gives them the confidence to pursue their passions as well. Since starting my brand I was runner up for Designer of the Year with Phoenix Fashion Week in 2019, had multiple artists perform on stages at fashion shows for me, created compelling digital media with artists and performers of many kinds, created lasting relationships with amazing people from all over the world, and learned a lot about what it means to be the leader of a start-up business.
Has your business ever had a near-death moment? Would you mind sharing the story?
About a year after starting my business, I was a designer with Phoenix Fashion Week. I am not sure what the other designers or owners of the business thought about me, but during one of the meetings, the owner looked to me and said “Dalton, go get us all some french fries.” I didn’t want to admit that I only had about $30 to my name, so I got up and went to the restaurant downstairs and spent $18 on fries to share with the group. When I had returned, it was my turn to present my work and when I had returned to my seat, all the fries were gone. I never mentioned anything about it and I don’t want to sound like I am complaining, but that was an experience that has stuck with me. Although I barely had enough money to keep my business going and could’ve said I couldn’t afford it, I didn’t. I always had faith in myself that things would workout and that optimism has kept me going through all the ups and downs of starting and operating my own business.
Do you have multiple revenue streams – if so, can you talk to us about those streams and how your developed them?
Currently, I am only focused on tie dye and I do that full-time. However, when I first started, I wanted to open every revenue stream. I sold everything I could on eBay from Pokemon and sports cards to my own clothing and electronics. I would buy things cheap from yard sales and sell them on apps like Offer Up. I would take any side job I could and used all the money to fund The Tie Dye Company. I think it’s important to be open to as many different streams of revenue when you’re first starting out, especially if you’re like me and decide to quit your only job first without any backup plans.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.TheTieDyeCompany.com
- Instagram: @tie_dye_company
- Facebook: Facebook.com/thetiedyecompany
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thetiedyecompany
- Twitter: @tie_dye_company
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmTvEnZ3vnu4GVjtOryItkQ
- Other: Tiktok: @tiedyecompany
Image Credits
Kristin Nascimento, Phlix Photography, Phierce Photography, Dustin Lee