We recently connected with Corine Ferebee and have shared our conversation below.
Corine, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Let’s start with the story of your mission. What should we know?
I have always known that I wanted to be of service to others. Very early on I experienced what if felt like to have a loved one suffer from health issues and not be able to help. I decided that I I wanted to create a career that would allow me to help in some way support people in their health journey. I decided to take on the challenge of becoming a pharmacist. As a pharmacist I have been able to educate and support patients and other health care professionals along their health and wellness journey.
In recent years, I have had my own health challenges. Although I enjoyed being a strong support to my patients and peers, I learned that in order to truly optimize your health you must be the driver’s seat. It takes a team! When I first was diagnosed with Lupus, my team of conventional doctors focused on my symptoms and how they could treat them. I wanted more. I began to do the research and learn how to truly take care of the “whole person.” This changed my outlook on how I managed my health and eventually led me to focusing on lifestyle change and prevention when possible. I want to empower others to do the same.
Therefore, I created Trinity Wellness Rx Consulting (TWRxC). TWRxC has evolved from educating and training clients in nutrition and exercise to taking a deeper dive into the root cause of health issues they may be experiencing. TWRxC helps women address imbalances and toxicities in the body while working on lifestyle changes using an evidence-based approach. Although we support all women, we have a special focus on those dealing with auto-immunity, weight loss. and chronic fatigue issues.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I am Dr. Corine T. Ferebee, the CEO and founder of Trinity Wellness Rx Consulting. I am an Integrative Health Pharmacist, mother, wife, entrepreneur, business consultant, personal fitness trainer and lupus survivor/advocate. I have spent the last 15 years serving the community. I transitioned from retail pharmacy management into entrepreneurship. Recently the focus has become helping women overcome symptoms related to auto-immunity, chronic fatigue and weight loss issues. As a pharmacist my level of support to patients and clients has expanded from filling prescriptions and counseling to teaching clients how to take care of their whole body. My goal is for clients to create a lifestyle that focuses on prevention overall good health. Many times we see clients trying to work backwards to “fix” something that could have been prevented or delayed with just a small lifestyle change.
At Trinity Wellness Rx Consulting, we help women get to the root cause of any dis-ease by rebalancing the body. At TWRxC we offer comprehensive evaluations in order to educate women on how to combat symptoms related to chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disorders and weight loss management. We use functional medicine health strategies and in-home lab testing to identify deficiencies, toxicities, stress management problems, poor sleep habits and insufficient nutrition and exercise that may be causing a breakdown in your health. In order to address the whole person, Trinity Wellness Rx Consulting offers functional medicine and integrative health consulting, personal fitness training and in-home lab testing.
With assessment, our clients get a personalized wellness plan, one on one coaching, personalized lab and supplementation recommendations, along with unlimited accountability and support to help develop a healthy lifestyle. Topics that are discussed with every client include but are not limited to exercise and expectations, diet and nutrition, coping with stress, toxins and detoxing, sleep and emotional balance, and mindset and goal setting. At Trinity Wellness Rx Consulting we pride ourselves on how we offer our support based on the individual needs of each client. We understand that being a part of your health team is an honor and we appreciate the opportunity.
What’s been the best source of new clients for you?
Referrals, Referrals, Referrals!!! I have found that referrals give my business a sense of accomplishment and consistency. Referrals let us know that we are truly helping others meet their goals and that we play a vital role in the process. I am honored and greatly appreciative to learn that a client thinks Trinity Wellness Rx Consulting would be the best resource to someone needing support on their health journey.
Do you have any insights you can share related to maintaining high team morale?
I have learned through management experience that how a team operates is a reflection of its leadership. Just like it is important to know the “why” behind a client deciding to work with Trinity Wellness Rx Consulting, it is important to know the “why” behind someone wanting to join your team. Knowing what drives someone to do the work really allows you to better understand who they are and what they have to offer.
While we focus on really getting to know the clients and helping them to meet their goals, it is important that they understand the importance of first taking care of themselves. In order to give great care to others, we must understand the value in that. Therefore, education, resources, opportunities, accountability and support are always available and recommended.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.drcorineferebeeconsulting.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drcorineferebee/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrCorineFerebee
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/corine-t-ferebee-pharm-d-ihpl2m-27b10378/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/drcorineferebee