We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Ciara Rubin. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Ciara below.
Ciara, appreciate you joining us today. What’s something you believe that most people in your industry (or in general) disagree with?
Everyone has the ability to be highly intuitive. Many people in the spiritual community and industry believe that you’re “more special” or “gifted” if you’re related to a psychic or started exhibiting and experiencing intuitive abilities as a child. It’s true that some people come into this life with a more “pronounced” intuition, but intuition and psychic abilities are something literally everyone have and can develop. The word “psychic” has a strange connotation, but being psychic is simply part of the human experience we’re starting to tap into on a more mainstream scale. Your intuition is your guiding light, the sense in your gut that transcends logic and has the ability to put your life on a much more desirable trajectory. YOU are intuitive. YOU have the ability to develop and trust your intuition to the point where you’re able to take measured risks and make decisions that will move your life in the direction that feels deeply satisfying to your soul, while also creating massive success in your life.
Ciara, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
I work with Empaths and entrepreneurs to guide you in developing and trusting your intuition. We begin by determining your primary intuitive sense, and work from there to sharpen and make that sense easy for you to interpret and apply to both life and business decisions.
I started this work in 2015 when I had an aura-reader tell me I was meant to be a psychic, spiritual teacher, and leader. At first I thought she was crazy but a voice deep inside said YES. I got my first deck of Tarot cards and started reading for myself and others. My confidence grew as I was able to get specific, useful, and powerful answers for my clients. I began teaching online workshops and courses about chakras, intuition, and tarot. Now I’m writing my first book, focused on intuition development.
Most of my clients and students struggle with trusting themselves. They’re curious about their intuition, as they’ve sensed it many times (though they often don’t listen to it). I help them learn the language of their intuition so they can easily get specific, useful, and powerful answers for themselves that they can then use to make confident decisions in their life and business.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
I started my first website only a few months after finding out I was an intuitive and could read cards for other people. I started the business when I realized that everyone was intuitive and could do the same. only one problem, I had never started a business before and had no idea how to run one. I spent 8 years in trial and error on social media, creating content, websites launching online courses, having a YouTube channel, you name it. I’ve had launches where ONE person bought and I had to refund her since I’d promised community. I’ve had zero sign up launches. I’ve had 300 people join my email list in a day. Definitely put myself Through The Beginner’s Business School of Hard Knocks and I’m All the Wiser because of that. Business development is fascinating!
We’d love to hear the story of how you built up your social media audience?
Be real. Speak from scars not wounds. Don’t be afraid to pivot. Just hit record. There are people who need you NOW. You know you’re already exceptional!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.ciararubin.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ciara.rubin/
Image Credits
Abby Byrd Photography