We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Christopher Day a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Christopher, thanks for joining us today. Let’s jump to the end – what do you want to be remembered for?
I pray that when the time comes to leave this world, that the generations who follow are able to look at my works and all i have built, and use it as a symbol of personal development and growth in thier own lives. The legacy I leave, is to show proof that a person can rise above thier current station in life, and achieve greatness. The legacy I leave, is freedom. No matter the chains that are placed upon us in life, with enough hope, determination and positive action, we are completely unbound.
Christopher, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
My journeys through both life and entrepreneurship have been quite the ride! This is a story of triumph and growth. In November 1980, i was born to drug addicted parents, who could not and should not raise me. Fortunately, the good lord placed me in the loving arms of an amazing family, to grow up in a small west Texas oil field town, with good people and small town values. McCamey Texas was my home for the first 17 yrs of life, before setting out to take on the world as an adult. The majority of the following 22 years were spent in two ways….
1. Building businesses in the residential construction industry, Retail Sales, Performace arts, Ecommerce, Social Media managment, and yes, even the lucrative Cannabis industry.
2. Serving multiple sentences in Federal Prison for helping to pioneer the current cannabis industry and modern psychedelic movement. It was illegal to grow shrooms and pot in Texas!
Those years of losing life, time, family, loved ones, homes, vehicles, jobs, and social reputation were not spent in vain. For over two decades, i worked to build knowledge, refine myself in mind, body, and soul. During those years, i prayed for strength, guidance, and the opportunity to one day make amends for the years of sufferring that my youthful stubbornness caused so many people. Those years were greatly spent learning to be better…learning to do things right if i ever made it home.
Once Released from Federal Prison, i was dropped off in San Antonio Texas, with no family, friends, money or a job…completely destitude. While sleeping in the clearing of a field at night, and taking the city bus into town each day, i worked diligently to not only survive, but to build a real future. Soon after, i formed my first business, Alamo City Spray, a live spray paint art studio and and performance. That was the beginning…
Fast Forward a couple years….my biological father and I have established a relationship over about a 10 year period. He had two other children with his new wife, once he settled down and cooled his wiley ways. Just before my 41st birthday, he passed away. My biological sibling, which i have no real relationship came to me with a box full of handwritten invoice booklets from my father’s office.
‘Here is the business Dad left you”…… no Inventory, no contact or client list, no money, bank accounts, or even a tax id number…this wasnt a business…and they knew it..and were more than happy to hand it to me. Many people would have been disappointed or upset. Instead, i took this as an opportunity to show my family, my siblings, and the world why my father chose ME to run his business….this job..this thing. I immediately began putting together a map and planning a route, based on the handwritten invoices. many were illegible and could not be searched. The Following 6 months were spent scouring the city, contacting old clients, acquiring new ones, and solidifying the relationships my father had worked his whole life to build. In that time period, we have doubled the size of the company, making us the largest distributor of toy and novelty products in the San Antonio area, to small chain grocery, food mart, convenience or mom and pop store, boasting well over 300 local accounts and growing continuously.
My father knew that i did not know the business he had created. He knew it was something that the other children did not value at all. And he knew that i was the right one to bring his dreams to fruition. He began the business at 40 years old..while inbetween jobs…married with two kids…and didnt know what to do. He purchased a dozen pair of sunglasses from a local wholesaler, and began selling them to tourists on the Corpus Christi beach. Sun Bum, his first iteration of our company was born…from that day forward, he made a living, and built a business as a toy and novelty vendor. After 30 years of solid conncetions, relationships, and friendships in the industry, he truly had built something for me that noone could have imagined. It was just up to me to go out and lean what he created for me, then make it my own.
No longer do i question God’s plan. As this story has told, life can go from one extreme to the other. We must simply learn from our experiences, and continue to stride further. At the time of this interview, my lovely wife and i own and operate a small portfolio of just under a dozen companies, bringing jobs and opportunity to our community. To learn more in depth details on my story and how these businesses came to be, visit my website at ChristopherCDay.com
Let’s talk M&A – we’d love to hear your about your experience with buying businesses.
yes, in fact, business acquisitions, mergers, and sales have been how i obtained equity ownership in almost a dozen companies in the past three years. As a leader in the movement, our company regularly hosts seminars and training events on How to Buy/ Sell a Business. We believe that buying a profitable business is better that building one from scratch.
We’d love to hear about how you met your business partner.
The lovely Denise Martinez is my partner in both business and in life. As i struggled to build my art business on the streets of downtown San Antonio, she would drive across the city every evening after her job, just to bring me food and to relieve me to use the bathroom. She understood the struggles i went through while packing a loaded dolly of artwork and supplies across the city on a Via Bus. She witnessed the 12-17 miles id physically walk each day, working to build a better life…she not only witnessed, she made it possible. None of my success woud have happened the way it did, had it not been for the loving support of this woman.
Contact Info:
- Website: ChristopherCDay.com
- Other: linktr.ee/christopherday