Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Christine Vega-Perez. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Christine, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. What do you think matters most in terms of achieving success?
Success is often defined by what we experience, what we witness and the stories we hear throughout society. I think the most important thing it takes to be successful is to listen to yourself and find out what you truly want. For me, I had a full plan of what being successful would look like. I was going to get college degrees, at least a Master’s level. I was going to buy a home, and build a family with a husband and kids. I would excel in my career and get to a Director level and make six-figures. So when I did all that, I should have been fully content right? But I wasn’t. I had other goals. So I left my job, took a huge pay cut and rooted up my whole family and moved to a new State. It was scary. There was a lot of unknown. But I was no longer looking at success by what I SHOULD do, and instead of what I WANTED to do. I wanted to live closer to the beach and have warmer weather throughout the year. That is what was going to make me happy. The logistics and career will come. When i’m living my life amongst palm trees and every weekend feels like a vacation – that’s success to me. So I encourage you to take a moment, and reflect on what you truly want. It’s then that the success will come.
Christine, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
My name is Christine Vega-Perez. I am a Decision Making & Accountability Life Coach. I spent over 15 years in the healthcare industry, and learned a lot about Quality. As I gained knowledge of tools used to mitigate risks, I thought it would be so helpful to take those tools and apply them to the riskiest industry of them all – our own lives. I began writing about the tools and strategies through a Blog site I created, After receiving great feedback, I quickly realized I wanted to be able to truly help people apply them to their own lives. I started offering my services as a life coach in August of 2021. Since then I have been able to help some amazing people. Women standing confident in their decision making power, Mom’s feeling happier and feeling like an even better mama, Professionals navigating their career path proudly and so many more. I’m honored to work with my clients every day. The goal is always to bring more joy to their journey. To help you feel Calm, Confident & Competent to tackle all that life throws your way. And to know that if I can help them with that, it in turn has effect on all the lives they touch. It’s truly powerful.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
We often get in our own heads and create stories that are not helpful for us. As a new business owner, I am learning a lot. There are so many elements that I do not know, and I’m used to being able to follow a laid out path (i.e. going to college to earn a degree, getting a job and working my way up the ladder). With entrepreneurship, the path is not always clear. That can be scary and create doubt. I realized the most important factor for this journey was to be 100% in love with me, believe in me & trust in myself fully. So to build my resilience towards things that ‘don’t go right’, I work on building my personal foundation. I journal, meditate, write affirmations & gratitude’s almost daily, move my body (dance parties with my kids, early gym workouts, walks etc.), hydrate and do my best to get good sleep. It’s going back to the basics that builds your resilience. If something doesn’t work out, like not having sign ups for a program, or someone deciding they don’t want to work with me- I have the strength to keep going forward. Instead of allowing the thoughts of self doubt to completely take over, which will happen if your foundation isn’t strong, I can focus on the good my business has created and will continue to create as long as I keep going.
How about pivoting – can you share the story of a time you’ve had to pivot?
Life constantly requires us to pivot. In my career I made a pivotal decision to leave a company I had been with for years. I got pregnant with my first child and knew my body could not handle the burden of stress that came with the role I was in. It was a difficult decision to make because I was going to add uncertainty and risk, during a monumental time in my life. I evaluated the information that I had, and made the best decision I could at the time. With that change I was able to reduce my day to day stress with my job, and I began my path into Quality. Looking back, although it created some financial hardships at the moment, I have zero regrets because my health is priceless. I also can’t help but think of motherhood in regards to pivoting. When you add tiny humans to your life, there is no other option than to be able to pivot. Those little ones do not, and can not, follow your plans. Overall, I do my best to remember not to sweat the small stuff. I remind myself that we are safe. I lean hard on my gratitude’s daily, which creates a strong habit to look at the good in all scenarios. I take it moment by moment, and release the expectations. I am constantly working on allowing things to just be, and not be perfect.
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