We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Chloe Kemp. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Chloe below.
Chloe, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Can you open up about a risk you’ve taken – what it was like taking that risk, why you took the risk and how it turned out?
One of the most significant risks I took was to write my memoir, Wisdom Keeper: My Extraordinary Journey to Unlock the Sacred Within. It wasn’t the writing aspect that made me nervous, as I was already an award-winning writer. What concerned me was that I would need to write about very personal things that I had not shared with most people.
Until deciding to write the Wisdom Keeper book, I had only shared a few details of my spiritual journey with a small group of people. No one knew the entire story, not even my closest friends. There are several reasons for choosing to keep it private. Some things I experienced seemed extremely far out; I didn’t know who could even understand or process the information.
For example, when I started levitating in my ’30s, I told no one. I did nothing to create that experience; it just showed up. Most of the unusual things that have happened to me occurred naturally, without me doing anything. I didn’t ask for these gifts; they just kept appearing. I felt I was being given these experiences by Spirit and wanted to protect and cherish these Divine gifts by not talking about them.
In 2010, I had one of the most profound vision dreams I have ever experienced. When I contacted a dream interpreter, she told me people all over the country were having similar dreams. We all saw the same three major components: a ‘natural disaster’ that would affect the entire world, martial law, and microchipping. When Covid showed up in 2020, I knew it was what I had seen in my vision dream ten years earlier. Overwhelmed with a sense of guilt that I had known it was coming but could not stop it, I asked Spirit for guidance.
My Guides told me it was time to write about my experiences, insisting I had to tell everything I knew. My biggest challenge was to go from telling almost no one to sharing my spiritual healing journey with the world. Although I was still nervous about what would happen once my book was out, I trusted my Spirit Guides, so I started writing the book. They showed up daily with specific directions on what to write. Their instructions were so clear I decided not to write an outline.
Rewards for Taking Risks
So, how did all this risk-taking affect me and my book? My relationship with my Spirit Guides is more profound than ever. With their presence, it is much easier to take risks; I trust their guidance implicitly.
In the first 48 hours of my official book release, my inspirational memoir reached # 1in Amazon’s HOT NEW RELEASES in nine categories: Dreams; Energy Healing; Faith & Spirituality; Health & Spirituality; Inspirational Personal Testimonies; New Age Reincarnation; Personal Transformation & Spirituality; Spiritual Healing; and Women’s Personal Spiritual Growth.
It also has won multiple awards in the first six months:
GOLD WINNER— Memoir by a female
2022 Living Now Book Awards—Books for Better Living
FINALIST—New Age; Nonfiction
FINALIST—Spirituality: Inspirational
FINALIST New Age Nonfiction
2022 International Book Awards
Two very unexpected reactions to the book touched me deeply. A few months after we released the book, a young woman came to me excitedly, telling me how much my book meant to her. She said she had been struggling with depression before reading my book, with strong thoughts of not wanting to be here anymore. Little tears welled up in my eyes when she said my book lifted her spirits and gave her reasons to want to live.
Another significant confirmation that it was worth taking the risk was a message and photos I received from a friend. He noticed my book was capturing his son’s attention. This young boy is autistic and cannot speak. His son stops by several times a day to look at my book. My heart melted when I saw the images. I hope he is receiving spiritual connections when he looks at the book.
With each of these, the young woman who is no longer struggling with her mental health and the autistic boy who is drawn to my book, I knew they were ‘rewards’ for taking a risk with writing my memoir. How my book has affected them is way beyond any ‘book success’ I ever imagined.
Chloe, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I am an award-winning author, creative director, multimedia artist, shamanic energy healer and former editor-in-chief and publisher of an award-winning magazine. My insight as a Wisdom Keeper allows me to foresee and interpret Divine truth. My psychic abilities—clairaudient, clairsentient, prophesy, remote viewing, and telepathy—enhance my healing and spiritual work.
My inspirational memoir, WISDOM KEEPER: My Extraordinary Journey to Unlock the Sacred Within, is the story of an ordinary woman’s extraordinary spiritual journey. Awakening to my Divine purpose and healing myself from deeply embedded trauma, an incurable illness, and serious medical conditions, I share my cosmic knowledge and ancient wisdom. Learn about my relationship with Spirit Guides; lucid and prophetic dreams; parallel universes; encounters with Divine beings from other dimensions; my work with shamans from Mexico and South America; and vivid past life memories, including my own shamanic abilities and ancient healing techniques.
The book gives you an inside peak at the significant mystical experiences I had in Asheville, N.C., Athens, Greece; Crete; Ecuador, Egypt, Mexico; and Paris, France, including being invited to become a Spiritual Grandmother. I have performed intuitive energetic shamanic healing and mediumship sessions in the U.S., Mexico, and Ecuador. Currently, I am offering in-person healing sessions in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and remote sessions worldwide. The sessions focus on healing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
For more information about my book and my healing work, go to https://www.ChloeKempWisdomKeeper.com
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
In 2004, a neurologist diagnosed me with multiple sclerosis; it completely uprooted my life. Besides debilitating fatigue, speech and physical coordination problems, partial numbness in my extremities, blurred vision, and severe pain, I had significant cognitive issues. Before MS, people admired my mental abilities, saying my mind operated like a computer. With MS, I had difficulties doing even the most essential things.
After my diagnosis, a nurse came to teach me how to give myself daily shots. First, he showed me how to do it a few times. Then I watched a video. Afterward, he again showed me how to prepare and inject the shot. Next, he asked me to do it myself. My mind went blank. I remembered nothing. Tears rolled down my cheeks—this was the first time I realized how drastically my cognitive abilities had declined.
When someone gave me change for a dollar, and I couldn’t count the money, I felt devastated. Another time, I forgot how to write a check after the cashier rang up a cart full of food at the grocery store. She had to write it for me and show me where to sign my name.
My doctor gave me some tests to better understand my declining cognitive abilities. The results showed that I only had about a thirty-minute window when I did something that required a great deal of cognitive focus and accuracy. If I tried pushing myself beyond my capabilities, the only result would be utter exhaustion. I made the tough decision to quit driving.
Things were changing quickly for me. I could either give in to fear or find the strength and resilience to redefine my life.
Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological illness with no cure. Although my symptoms became more frequent and severe, at least I could still live independently. A sense of humor helped me cope with everything. My memory was so bad that I often had to resort to charades. At first, it was devastating not to know something simple like a broom. I remember the first time I had to act out what I was trying to communicate.
“I need that thing that is on a stick. When you hold it, you do this” (I mimicked sweeping because at that point, besides the word broom, I also could not remember the word sweep).
My life continued to change drastically. Fortunately, these enormous challenges brought me back to my spiritual path in a big way. When you have something this devastating, connecting with your spiritual life is comforting and empowering. I felt the MS was in my body to bring lessons; I trusted that whatever Spirit had planned for me was fine. If I had it for the rest of my lifetime, I would accept and deal with it. My goal was to tackle and understand the lessons.
I lived with debilitating multiple sclerosis for 14 years. In 2018, I experienced one of my life’s most influential and extraordinary miracles. A shamanic curandero from Tepoztlán, Mexico, obliterated the MS! Four years later, it has never returned. All my inner work during those 14 years contributed to the ultimate healing. I had faith; I surrendered to Spirit; and trusted that I could become well if I could learn and process the lessons MS brought to me.
Training and knowledge matter of course, but beyond that what do you think matters most in terms of succeeding in your field?
Authenticity, Honesty, Compassion, and a Sincere Intention to Heal and Save our World
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.chloekempwisdomkeeper.com
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/ChloeKempWisdomKeeper/
Image Credits
Cat Ford-Coates Andrea Guu