We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Chelsea Reynolds a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Chelsea , looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Any thoughts about whether to ask friends and family to support your business. What’s okay in your view?
From personal experience I think avoiding asking family and friends to support you and your business is the best way to go. More often than not theyre going to be your biggest critics and most skeptical to support you. If you are going to ask family for support, finding the right time is key. Dont do it at gatherings or ask people you usually dont speak to, its just not the time or place. Its best to send a nice simple text midday and if they dont respond or say no dont try and convince them just drop the conversation and focus on the people who do support you. When I first started my Monat business the only family that supported me was my aunt and best friend, everyone else refuse to support me until they saw i was consistently getting income from it and had many returning and new clients buying the products. It was very hurtful since I always was the person who supported everyone else’s businesses but it helped me work harder and not to expect anything from anyone except myself.
Chelsea , love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Hiii, I’m Chelsea, I’m a 24 year old mom of 3 originally from NYC now making a life for myself in New Jersey for the past 5 years. I graduated in 2021 with a BS in Criminal Justice from Nyack College. For the past 4 years I have been partnered with one of the best network marketing and beauty companies, Monat. I was introduced to Monat by a girl I met on Bumble friends and at the time it sounded like a good way to make an extra $200 a month as i was a new mom and full time student. I like the idea of working for myself as my last job working for a major retail company had fired me after i had let my manager know I was pregnant. I used my school refund check to purchase a product pack which is a bundle of products thats mine to try to see if i actually would like the products and i could share my thoughts and opinions on them with my followers. Through Monat I sell vegan and plant based hair, skin, and wellness products via my social media platforms as well as mentor people who want to do the same. For as long as I can remember I always was interested in content creation and made content for myself for many years for fun so using social media platforms such as Youtube, Instagram and Facebook came easy to me to use my primary way to sell the products. Since the products are customizable to a persons individual needs i help people find routines that help them achieve their hair, skin and wellness goals so they can look and feel their best. Through mentorship I help people utilize all that Monat has to offer to our benefit and guide people to making a continuous uncapped income from their phones with a flexible schedule helping others find their routines and start businesses. What sets me apart from others is that i dont push people to fall into hustle cutlure and instead prioritize taking care of themselves first so that they can work their businesses to the best of their abilities. I help others find the schedules that work best to prevent burnout or feeling as though they have to sacrifice having a life outside their business to find success. I believe there can be a balance between having fun and sustainble, thriving career/business. Im most proud of the fact that i have been able to practice what i preach and found sustainability through my business despite all the demands in my life being a full time stay at home mom and a recent college graduate. Being able to have my business on full throttle while finishing college on time shows that you can do anything in harmony with minimal burnout.
Any insights you can share with us about how you built up your social media presence?
Consistency, consistency, consistency. That is the most important part of having a thriving social media presence with your business. There is so much noise on the internet and to break through all of it having a schedule where youre are posting regularly will help your business so much. When i posted at least 3 times a week helped me grow my pages and engagement so much whether or not it was business related. As long as youre posting more than 2 times a week you’re going to see growth and engagement on social media which will lead to a viral post if you keep regular posting after the viral post your engagement doubles.
Learning and unlearning are both critical parts of growth – can you share a story of a time when you had to unlearn a lesson?
I to learn to stop thinking support is free because it absolutely is not. At least not when its from friends and family. When i first started my business it was like pulling teeth from my inner circle to support me. I didnt receive support from most of my friends and family until they started seeing my results with the products and my success in getting/ retaining clients then they started to be more supportive. I also notice how many people I called “friends” would become shady at me because of me taking the step to start a business and would doubt me then when they saw i was able to keep a business they swore i would make no profit from while their own businesses werent seeing the same success they would become bitter towards me or act coldly because i wouldnt just support them the same way I used to because when i needed support from them i got none. Support from family and friends often times can cost a relationship so I personally do not think support is free.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://msha.ke/junglejimmy687#about
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/junglejimmy687/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC48r7x9n9Q-HP939nLoXtBg/about
- Other: Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chelseadubskini