We were lucky to catch up with Catryn Becker recently and have shared our conversation below.
Catryn , thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today What was it like going from idea to execution? Can you share some of the backstory and some of the major steps or milestones?
Ideas come to me during the quiet times, when I am not deaf to inspiration due to the chaos of life. For me, this is the moments before falling asleep, during meditation, when out in nature, or even in the shower.
I had been receiving coaching myself for about 3 months before I woke up with the deep desire to become a coach myself. It was undeniable. I called my coach and asked about the process she went through to become certified. She walked me through it and as fate would have it, the coaching certification package was on sale. I felt it was a great sign that I was heading in the right direction. I leaned heavily on my intuition as to the next steps. I checked in frequently to see if it “felt right”. The biggest thing was getting the momentum by continually taking the next step. I gave myself permission to not have the whole picture, the complete tapestry, all mapped out. I just needed to know the next step and then take action. I also have given myself grace to evolve throughout the process. There have been many times where plans didn’t work out but I surrender into the idea that it all is happening FOR me and my highest good. I keep the faith that certain things are moved out of my way in order to make way for new and better things.
Prioritizing these quiet times is a must for me. It sounds simple enough but not always easy to execute with my attention being pulled in so many directions. But this is how I stay connected with my mission.
Catryn , love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Have you ever driven home but don’t have a memory of actually driving? This is just one common example of our subconscious mind at play. I am an expert at seeing what your conscious mind cannot see – the patterns and programs within your subconscious mind. Patterns that were created during childhood still exist within your subconscious until you work with someone like me
Can you talk to us about how your side-hustle turned into something more.
I began my career in engineering for heavy manufacturing companies. So vastly different from what I do now! But honestly I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I was good at math and science so I’m sure some teacher or guidance counselor suggest I look into engineering. I worked in the industry for nearly a decade before earning a MBA and transitioning into business consulting. I did this for several years but I was unfulfilled. I couldn’t understand why. I was reasonably happy with my job, had great co-workers, wonderful family life. I felt greedy or selfish for wanting more.
Because of the macro nature of my job, I didn’t see the fruits of my labor. In some ways, I felt as if my work had little meaning. There was a lot of stress and striving for very little opportunity to see the payoff of that work. This inward struggle had outward symptoms – I would lash out at my family and friends. It felt as if all my patience was used up. This is when a little essential oil company called doTERRA entered my life. Not only did I feel less anxiety, stress, and overwhelm as a result of using their products but I discovered a new found fulfillment from sharing it with others. The impact of seeing someone find relief renewed my sense of purpose and gave me the boost of energy that I was so desperately seeking.
Once I decided to develop my love for doTERRA into a business, I jumped right in. I started to host classes and my natural enthusiasm and deep belief in the product encouraged others to see past their own skepticism. I partnered with local businesses to host monthly events which allowed me to leverage their audience and marketing efforts while providing them value to offer their clients.
After years of building this business on the side, one thing became very clear. Even if someone has the solution to their problem, negative emotions of fear and patterns of self-sabotage prevented them from actually following the plans we developed together. I couldn’t force someone to make the necessary changes to their life, no matter how simple I made it and how much I integrated it into their already existing routine.
This fundamental understanding of human behavior has been key in my evolution into coaching and untangling the web of subconscious patterns, limiting beliefs, and root-cause fears. I still offer doTERRA in my subconscious re-patterning coaching as the essential oils are excellent at reaching the emotion center of our brain, the limbic system. They also help to reinforce the new neural pathways that we are creating during our sessions together. I now see my purpose and mission here as so much bigger than selling a bottle or two of oil. I am grateful for doTERRA for opening the door for me to discover the bigger picture for myself.
Are there any books, videos, essays or other resources that have significantly impacted your management and entrepreneurial thinking and philosophy?
YES! So many! Listening to audio books is a crucial part of my journey and my success. By continually feeding my brain with new thoughts and concepts, I allow myself to grow and expand beyond what I would have accomplished alone. This is the beauty of learning. To ingest the new information and then integrate it into who I am as a person which finally leads to implementation of new patterns of behavior and thought. Here are some of my favorites in no particular order. And please note that several of these books had been suggested to be over years but I wasn’t always drawn to them immediately. Divine timing worked in such a way that I found my way to the teaching of each book in perfect timing. So if one of these books attracts your attention, listen to that intuition. There is most likely a message within that book for you!
– “You are a Bad@ss” by Jen Sincero – This was the first book I had read that was more along the spiritual side of mindset. It really started be down the path that lead me to where I am today.
– “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace D. Wattles – This is a very short book, only a few hours on audio. It is incredible to me that it was written over 100 years ago yet still is crammed full of tips to increase wealth that still apply today. I listen to this book several times a year and pick up a new aspect each time.
– “Understanding Women” by Alison A. Armstrong – This is not a book but a recording of a live training. It is very useful for men to listen to this book, as the training was designed, but as a woman, I found it incredibly useful to listen to understand myself.
– “Gene Keys” by Richard Rudd – For most people, this book is best as a hard copy as it is more of a reference book. I have found the Gene Keys as a modality the best tool to help understand our own personal uniqueness. I continue to uncover new layers of understanding of myself through my study of this practice.
– “The Power of Vulnerability” by Brene Brown – There is a reason that Brene Brown is at the level that she is. She has an amazing perspective that comes from a research capacity. I love this version in the audio because it is taken from a live training. Brene brings so much energy and color.
– “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek – This was one of the first business development books that I ever read. It is excellent for a new business person or entrepreneur to help them understand their why and by extension, their audience.
– “Can you Really Think and Grow Rich?” by Ramy El-Batrawi – This is a modern application of the original “Think and Grow Rich” written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill. Ramy weaves in his personal story of starting from nothing and building a billion dollar business three times over. It is an incredible story of persistence and perseverance. A must read.
– Sacred Contracts by Caroline Myss. This book is for those who are more advanced on their spiritual journey as it reframes several ideas of what is believed in Christianity. But a very important one in terms of reaching a level of understanding and forgiveness for difficult people and traumatic events.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.coachwithcat.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/relax_with_cat
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/journey2cloud9
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachwithcat/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSk_nJDA0OIfH0GSLP5a0pA
Image Credits
Anthony Dinh Janet Allen