We were lucky to catch up with Carl Veney recently and have shared our conversation below.
Carl, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. So let’s jump to your mission – what’s the backstory behind how you developed the mission that drives your brand?
The story behind my mission is actually very straightforward. I just want to inspire the generations under me, that doesn’t mean I’m not inspiring people my age or older that’s just not my main focus it’s really the ones who come after me that matter. Right now there is a kid going through what I went through possibly worse believing that they will never amount to anything besides what they’re surrounded by at this time in their life I just want to be the voice and influence that your past/present should NEVER determine your future.
Carl, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
Well I will start off by saying I have been modeling since I was about 14 years old. I was born in Virginia I’m apart of the adopted community I didn’t have an easy upbringing and In the recent years I’ve learned who I really am and what I am supposed to be doing. With that being said over the past 3 years I’ve grown so much to became the man and model that I am today. I am so different from the rest of my peers. What makes me different is I’m about strict business and I’m willing to take leaps that others would be terrified or embarrassed to do. I love fashion and being in front of the camera my whole focus is just to inspire and guide people to their dreams. I am proud of everything I have accomplished in so little time I’m blessed most people don’t gain the understanding of this industry but I have and that’s what continues to keep me successful. Consistency is my number one thing I always tell people with anything in life if it’s what you want Stay consistent and you shall receive.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
So when I first got back into modeling it was about 2 years ago I was so excited and just literally researching brands and casting agencies. During my search I came Accross a modeling agency that seemed like a great fit for me. Shortly after I was signed to them and was given nothing but empty promises all the way down to a movie role with a pay that would’ve really helped me in life. Weeks and weeks went by the manager kept giving me excuses as to why he really had no information. Long story short after doing my own research I found out the entire thing was a lie all the way down to the movie the casting call the scripts it was already a movie and I had been bamboozled. So that’s just one story there are plenty more I am not and will never be afraid to bump my head because that’s what brings on growth and understanding. I ended up leaving of course and decided I would never use an agency again. The moment I did that I promise that’s when I started getting my fashion show offers, local and other countries now want me in their clothes. I don’t let things get to me I’ve gained tough skin in more ways that none.
How did you build your audience on social media?
I am blessed to have an extremely supportive amount of followers and people who share my videos and are Eagar and ready for me to drop new content everyday. I’ll tell you it really pays to network when you network you’re creating an entire new lane of followers because everyone you meet knows hundreds of other people all you have to do is have a conversation with one person and if they genuinely support what you’re doing they’re going to make sure they encourage people to follow or support in some sort of way. Not only that alot of my supporters believe it or not they aren’t even US citizens. I have been published in several magazines from Russia, japan, all the way to London and by the grace of God these people who buy the magazines really come and follow me I have had conversations with supporters who don’t even speak English but because they want to be so supportive we end up translating each other’s messages and I’m forever grateful for that. Also it really pays to make reels they’re prone to go across social media and if they like your work they’ll like or follow or both. I encourage people to network and you don’t have to be pushy about getting people to support you it’ll happen naturally
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/iamcarlveney?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- Facebook: Www.facebook.com/carlveney