We were lucky to catch up with Cara-Mel recently and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Cara-Mel thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Do you wish you had started sooner?
Though I desired to have a career in music and entertainment early on in my life, I have no regrets in how things are unfolding at this time. Now that I am older and much wiser, I really understand what it means when you hear someone make the comment “All in due timing,” and/or as my spiritual saints may say “All in God’s timing.” Like many, I gave up on pursuing my music career. It was during that period in my life; where my parents was like it’s time to focus on college; and picking a career that made money so I can take care of myself.
Understand, I see nothing wrong with that and I am glad to have a mother/father who was involved and cared about my next moves going into adulthood. For a while, I attempted to continue building a music career while in school, but it eventually fizzled out. I began to get more into my studies and eventually getting into a serious relationship at the time. However, I was always surrounded by musicians and creative beings. And to be honest, before I decided to throw in the towel I told God if I am to return back to music; then place that desire back into my heart.
Now when it comes to music, I will tell anyone first and foremost I am a songwriter. I had that writing bug since age eleven. A while back, AVA Live Radio personality Jacqueline Jax made a comment in Indie Music Spin Magazine that stated, “Cara-Mel is quickly positioning herself as an authentic storyteller of this new music generation.” I had to think about that because it was just an honor in her verbalizing this. However, it never crossed my mind how nine times out of ten majority of my songs layout into a storytelling format. I think this derives from listening to Oldie But Goodies (where many songs back in the day formulated a story) and being in the education field for so many years. After hanging up my microphone, I spent several years working as a special education teacher and in fitness. In 2008, I started a health and wellness business, which became very successful throughout the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area for five years. However, during the mid-2013 economic slowdown and the federal government’s sequestration; cutbacks forced me to close the family business. The sudden loss of income led to the foreclosure of my home and subsequently bankruptcy.
As I was trying to recover from that, I was hit with a diagnosis of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS), which is considered the earliest form of breast cancer. Once given this devastating news, I began to reflect on my life and started to feel a sense of regret. The best way to describe how I was feeling; It was like a light switch activated within me. So, I made the decision to go back to one of my greatest past loves; which was music. With this said, I started writing again while going through my first bout with cancer. And this writing motivated me to record “Broke,” in 2015. This particular track caught the attention of DJ SIDEREAL from Minnesota and landed a spot on the “Stamp of Approval” mixtape song bangers of the year and from there things began to take off.
Cara-Mel, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I am a woman that wears many hats. I am a musician, author, business owner of Manifest Now Coaching, LLC (a health & wellness company), the television host of the LYV TV Show on All Nations Television Network, and co-host of Positive Talk podcast that is currently on Anchor.fm/Spotify. I tell people all the time, that I am more than just music. Yes, I love it; as it is my calling; however I have been blessed to experience life and with that, comes additional responsibilities. Meaning, my goal is to be of service to society in other areas of expertise as well. With this in mind, alongside music and entertainment; I love helping individuals transform their lives (mind, body, and soul) by creating wellness programs that uplift, build confidence, and motivate people to become the best versions of themselves. Having my business Manifest Now Coaching, LLC; allows me the opportunity to do so as I provide coaching services in breast cancer wellness/personal development/life, health and fitness, as well as assist those who wish to transition over to a flexitarian or vegan/plant-based lifestyle of eating. For those who want to learn more about these services they can go to www.manifestnowcoaching.com. I am always happy to help women and men of all ages across the globe get on the right track of their health. And for those who would love to support my music ministry; please go to www.iamcara-mel.com to join my mailing list. Those apart of the Cara-Mel mailing list, will receive motivational/inspirational content from me weekly starting in April, be the first to receive special announcements, hear tour updates, and more.
In your view, what can society to do to best support artists, creatives and a thriving creative ecosystem?
The best thing society can do to support artists/creatives to me does not even include monetary acts. Sure, if there are some individuals who are led to sow a seed and/or give to their favorite artists that is a blessing. However, it can go a long way for supporters of creatives, particular musicians, business owners and so forth when individuals connect with us on our social media platforms (like/comment), go to our websites directly to purchase our content/merchandise, and join our mailing list. These are all amazing things that cost nothing. To be honest, one of the most important things someone can do that discover a new talent or product created by a small business is share. Everyone knows somebody, and with that in mind word-of-mouth is one of the most valuable tools anyone can use to help support.
We often hear about learning lessons – but just as important is unlearning lessons. Have you ever had to unlearn a lesson?
One of the lessons I had to learn is that you can’t take everyone with you. We all have a divine purpose and plan on our lives. And guess what, whatever that may look like as you walk in your purpose and/or discover your purpose, certain people may be removed out of your life for a season or permanently. I am a very private person; however when I am led to speak on a topic or to give a particular testimonial in reference to my life, I do so. But in summary, I will say this to anyone: You may not understand the why at the time of a situation. To be honest it may not even be revealed. But know that you can heal and come out even stronger and better than before. In addition, you will have a sense of peace in your life…and that peace is like confirmation to say you are heading in the right direction.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.iamcara-mel.com/
- Instagram: http://instagram.com/caramel_dmv/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CaraMelDMV/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cara-mel/
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/caramel_DMV
- Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/CaraMelMusic
- Other: https://linktr.ee/caramel_dmv https://songwhip.com/cara-mel https://vm.tiktok.com/WnUYRw/ https://manifestnowcoaching.com/ https://www.caramelcouture.net/
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