Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Candice Steele. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Alright, Candice thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. What’s the backstory behind how you came up with the idea for your business?
The idea of a travel blog is not something new. We have been seeing them for years. Years ago we had the opportunity to travel to Italy. We were looking at the idea of taking our twin girls or just going with my husband. Most of the blogs, reviews and comments from the internet and family said we should not take the kids. We decided to go against the grain and we took them with us. It was wonderful to see how well they did in such a foreign environment and how exited they were to try all the new things we encountered. From that experience CSGINGER was born. We travel with our family and show others that they can too. The more you travel together the easier and better it gets. Enjoy traveling now with your kids. Don’t wait till they are older. Travel now an experience the great joy your family brings.
Candice, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
We provide the service of showing other families that normal everyday people can travel together all over the world. You do not need to be an influencer, extremely educated or wealth to travel with your family. If you have the desire to explore with your family you can do it. When everyone else tells you, not to go to Disneyland because your kids are too young, we tell you to go. As your family gets older it gets harder to play together. Our greatest accomplishment is being able to help others adventure together with their families.
How did you put together the initial capital you needed to start your business?
Many people think you need to be exceptional or be really lucky to have the capital needed to start a business. However, this is not true. We were able to create CSGINGER by making smart financial decisions since the day we were married. We never made a lot of money but what we did with that money made all the difference. When we were first married and ready to buy a house, instead of buying your typical house as many do, we purchased a duplex. We lived in one side and rented out the other. We did this because Coltin was still going to college and he wanted us to have some money to play and travel. Little did we know that this decision made it possible for use to purchase other rentals which in turn made it possible for us to travel for months at a time giving us the ability to create our website CSGINGER. Many people don’t have the ability to take an unpaid FMLA leave for 3 months to travel with their family because they are paying for their new truck, new house, or new furniture. The smart frugal financial decisions we made well in advance before we ever knew we would create CSGINGER is what made it all possible.
We’d love to hear about how you met your business partner.
Coltin and I grew up only 10 minutes from each other. We went to the same high school but never really knew each other. He played sports and I did sports medicine so I knew who he was but I was quiet and he was a bit rowdy so our paths never crossed. After high school I went to college and he went on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He returned in the summer and I was home from college that same summer. We met briefly through a mutual friend. From there we spent the summer dating. I went back to college and he followed me around. I was too cute for him to pass up. I would never have imagined my business partner would be my husband but our significant personality differences is what make us such great spouses and business partners. He is adventurous and always pushes to help our ideas come to life. I am a little more down to earth and try to make sure he stays on task and our consistency never wavers.
Contact Info:
- Website: and
- Instagram: csginger
- Facebook: csginger
Image Credits
We took all of the pictures.