We were lucky to catch up with Brittany Uecker recently and have shared our conversation below.
Brittany, thanks for joining us, excited to have you contributing your stories and insights. Can you talk to us about how you learned to do what you do?
Hosting jobs always looked so fun to me, whether it’s livestreaming for a clothing company or red carpet interviews, but never a career I expected to get into. A friend of mine knew I had a ton of improv experience & suggested I try it out. If jobs have a “love at first sight” moment, then this was definitely it. It was like those first days in an improv classes; that high alert listening & the buzz of being live (even if it’s through a screen). It brought so much life back into my creative self that had been dwindling during covid without classes and shows. While not everyone needs am improv history to host, I found my improv training to be the most helpful tool in hosting. They both focus on listening, being present & finding natural ways to work in your own personality. The more you do it, the better you get. Hosting & comedy are very similar, often the only obstacle is to get out of your own way & your own head to reach your potential.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I got into acting very young, my bossy oldest sister was putting together a backyard play (based on the riveting life of an American Girl Doll) and when my middle sister screamed that she wanted no part in it, I was bumped from annoying side character to *the lead*! It was then I learned the most important advice for moving to LA; availability is half the battle.
Since moving to LA in 2015, I’ve gotten the chance to say some of the craziest things to my family, like “sorry, can’t FaceTime, I’m getting fitted for a Sour Patch Kid costume for a commercial” or “sorry, yes, this is a Fairy Godmother costume, can I have some extra hot sauce please?” I’ve played a kleptomaniac, had my face slashed by a Freddy Krueger Elmo & played so many parodied superhero’s I should have my own MCU. As always, with a ton of work comes a ton of projects that will never see the light of day, but those help you mold and shape who you are as an artist. I love playing the main characters bff, the unhinged neighbor & the chaos driven female who keeps the action moving (for good or bad).
Overall, I’m working to stay curious, stay bold & be adaptable to anything that looks exciting & terrifying
We often hear about learning lessons – but just as important is unlearning lessons. Have you ever had to unlearn a lesson?
As a creative, sometimes “I should” is screaming so loudly in the back of your mind trying to help you. I should be taking this specific class, I should get an agent next, I shouldn’t be trying out stand-up if I’m hosting, etc. It comes from a good place, but we start putting ourselves into categories & we don’t even realize we have rules on them. Why can’t a model also try stand-up? Why can’t a youtuber also be an actor? If anything, it should be a reason to do something since it clearly hasn’t been “done” before. I believe audiences always want something new, even if we think we want the same format. So I try to look at the roadblock & think “why did I put that there?” and remember I’m revisiting that path for a reason, maybe the roadblock just needs to be moved.
Do you think there is something that non-creatives might struggle to understand about your journey as a creative? Maybe you can shed some light?
The trajectory of a creative’s life can change in a second. As stated, availability is EVERYTHING in LA and talent is a much smaller ingredient once a project starts cooking. You can do an unpaid project you found online & then 2 months later, the PA from that project calls you & asks if you’re available for a short their directing because the original actress booked a branded commercial. Oh, and it shoots today at 5. It’s both so stressful & fun, you can never predict the ripple effect a project will have on your career. So when your artist roommate or fiancé can’t stop bringing up how annoyed they still are about that email they didn’t respond fast enough to so another actor booked the role, maybe let them have an extra 10 minutes, we might be grieving the glorious new life we almost had, ok!!!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.brittanyuecker.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheeseywhiskers/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/cheeseywhiskers
- Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cheeseywhiskers
Image Credits
Main photo (red) – Max Baker, @itsmaxbaker