We were lucky to catch up with Brigitta Dau recently and have shared our conversation below.
Brigitta, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Was there a defining moment in your professional career? A moment that changed the trajectory of your career?
We’ve all heard of the ‘ripple’ effect. I had the privilege of witnessing one in my early 30’s that solidified my decision to support people in becoming their best versions of themselves.
I was a Pilates Instructor at a local boutique studio where we worked with groups of about 4 people at a time. I loved my clients and learned so much from them over the years. I was aware that I wanted to offer more than Pilates, I could feel that’ life coaching’ might be in my future as another way of working with people. And it was in witnessing the ‘ripple’ effect one morning, that cinched my new direction.
Several clients were already in the studio with me, and in walked ‘Diane’, clearly upset.
It turned out, Diane had been to visit her mother the day before and her mother had no idea who she was. (This was almost 20 years ago, Alzheimer’s was a relatively new disease.) Diane was confused, devastated and clearly hadn’t slept since the day before.
I had no clue what to say. This was completely out of my realm of life experience. Fortunately, the other clients who had shown up for Pilates that morning, knew exactly what to say. And, more importantly, knew how to give her the support and caring she was clearly desperate for in this moment.
What struck me about this exchange, was how invaluable those other clients were in that moment. And they were just regular people like you and me. BUT, despite the early hour and their own life issues, they stepped up, rallied, and supported this woman fully. When she left to continue on with her day, she was in a completely different state than when she had walked in. She wasn’t feeling helpless, terrified and isolated anymore. She left feeling supported, held, and connected. They also helped her get her thoughts in order as to what her next few steps of action could be. They hugged her, reassured her…they literally changed the trajectory of her day and I believe, her life. Things could have gone VERY differently had she not come to class that day, and had those people not stepped up.
I also remember hearing a client offer this piece of advice, which I have used myself many times since this experience. “At the end of the day, all you really have, is how YOU showed up…how you behaved, what you said, what you did, what you didn’t do…that’s all you have control over…YOU.”
Every Single One of us, can make a difference.
We all have the capacity to step up and be our best selves in any given moment. And it is a CHOICE as to how we show up.
Change is inevitable. Growth is a Choice.
And stepping into your power and living from that space is how we grow and help others be the best they can be.
I’ve never forgotten that day.
Brigitta, before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do?
Hello fellow Canucks! That’s right, I am originally from Canada! And so, Canada is where my story starts…and although my past may have seemed meandering at times, it really was the perfect path to have led me to be where I am today.
I was a professional actress in Canada. I starred in the Canadian series “Northwood” and co-starred on many of the shows and TV movies being shot in Vancouver at the time.
In my early 20s, I decided to move to a “bigger pond” and got my green card (No easy feat!!! I write about that in my book!) and moved to LA where the weather is WAY nicer! And, of course, I loved acting and loved all the people I got to work with even more.
But as time went by, I realized I wanted to connect with more people…and make more of a contribution. Around that time, I discovered Pilates. Pilates filled that need for contribution as well as my appetite for learning. And so, I made the shift and became a certified Pilates instructor. I went on to work in various boutique studios, physical therapist’s offices, local high-end gyms, and ultimately opened my own studio.
Not long after starting this new wellness journey, I realized Life Coaching was really my true calling. (and remember this meandering path and all the people I’ve worked with? Yup! Talk about life experience…it all led to this!). And so, about 13 years ago, I got my certification as a Life Coach. I currently offer group workshops, private one-on-one coaching, one-on -one Reiki Session, and also have written a book, “Crafting a Better Life – Creative Approaches to Personal Growth” (available at Amazon.com). All of my work is done virtually which I LOVE! People are so much more relaxed in their own homes, and I now work with people all over the world!
And since the pandemic, I have become a Reiki Master, Certified EFT Tapping Practitioner, and Dowsing Energy Practitioner.
I LOVE offering Reiki in addition to my work with people. And, because energy healing can be done remotely, I also offer a monthly online class: Synergistic Sundays (2nd Sunday of the month) where I combine ALL of my favorite modalities to create a powerful hour of clarity, movement and Reiki Healing Meditation. This is by far my favorite offering and my most powerful class.
Other than training/knowledge, what do you think is most helpful for succeeding in your field?
Curiosity & Compassion
I believe that both Curiosity and Compassion must go hand in hand.
As human beings, we are quick to make assumptions. And in the holistic world, we are very quick to look for solutions to problems and ways to lessen suffering. But, I also believe that we humans are complicated and fascinating people…we are all unique so I don’t think there is a single formula or a “one size fits all” way to personal growth and healing. I avoid formulas and never impose my own “strategy” on a client. We approach their issues with curiosity and compassion, and together create a plan that is specific to them.
Training and knowledge matter of course, but beyond that what do you think matters most in terms of succeeding in your field?
…I know, I’m answering this twice! But also…
Walk the Walk!
I feel VERY strongly about this. I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve had someone do something in a pilates session, that I cannot do myself. And it’s the same for personal growth. Whether it’s Cognitive Behavior Exercises, EFT Tapping, Setting Boundaries, or a Mindfulness Practice, I have tried and utilized EVERYTHING that I talk about. Having personally “tried it on for size” gives me the experience to talk more candidly about the various strategies I offer.. I’m an expert on many modalities because, quite frankly, I’ve put in the hours and done the work myself.
And in terms of who I get my coaching from, I ONLY work with people who have walked their walk as well.
Contact Info:
- Website: Brigittadau.com
- Instagram: Brigittadaucoaching
- Facebook: Brigitta Dau
- Linkedin: Brigitta Dau
- Twitter: Brigitta Dau
- Youtube: @Brigittadau1551
- Yelp: Brigitta Dau
Image Credits
Colette Blonigan
1 Comment
Doug Warhit
Great article about a very gifted life coach and pilates instructor and reiki master.
multi-talented Brigitta Dau!