We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Brian Hamilton. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Brian below.
Hi Brian , thanks for joining us today. So let’s jump to your mission – what’s the backstory behind how you developed the mission that drives your brand?
My mission is to give people another way. Another option for success. One of the biggest hurdles for people in life is fear. It’s crippling. I came to Punta Cana on a vacation during the peak of the pandemic. I saw the incredible real estate investment opportunities here and took immediate advantage of it. Now I assist people with breaking their fears and allowing their money to go much further in a growing market. Investing in Punta Cana and creating the life they want and dreamed of in addition to leaving a legacy for their children.
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
I grew up in Toronto Canada and went to Xavier University of Louisiana on a full basketball scholarship. After university I worked in IT Recruitment & Consultancy for many years and still do. I always had a interest in real estate but not in the US or Canadian markets. Inflation continues to be a major issue in those markets. I wanted to really allow my money to stretch in a market that has incredible growth potential and immediate solid returns. Punta Cana was that market for me. I came to Punta Cana, on vacation in August 2020 in the height of the pandemic and never left. I saw the amazing real estate investment opportunities here and took full advantage. I immediately acquired property and put them on Airbnb. I shared my story on my social media and received a lot of interest. People from all over the world were very interested in doing the same thing. This was the birth of Remotely Paradise. Remotely Paradise is a luxury service for Individuals looking to purchase property or vacation in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Punta Cana is the most visited island in the Caribbean, it’s beautiful, affordable and growing. This was a no brainer for me and I help bridge that gap for individuals all over the world. Take away that fear and allow them to ‘Go
Somewhere New’
How about pivoting – can you share the story of a time you’ve had to pivot?
The pandemic forced me to experience my biggest pivot of my career. My industry took a major hit. As I mentioned before, I have worked in the IT Recruitment & Consultancy industry for many year. During the pandemic all of my clients shut everything down. Every project I had on the go was shut down. Going to Punta Cana on vacation was only to clear my head. I was only suppose to be there for one month. While I was there I saw so many opportunities. I had some money saved up and always wanted to get into real estate so I took a dive into it. I had no previous experience. I just read a lot of books, watched a lot of YouTube and learned on the go. Remotely Paradise is my biggest and best pivot of my career.
We’d love to hear the story of how you built up your social media audience?
One day I said to myself. There has to other people in the world who feel the same way I do. Maybe they live in New York City, Or Chicago or Boston or Montreal etc. They live in a big city and make good or decent money and still feel like they can’t live the life they want to live. They want options and feel they don’t have any because everything is so expensive. They are priced out! That was me and so many others over the world. That was my target audience. I tailored my social to post things that would resonate with them. Lifestyle posts was the core. My daily life was my billboard and I shared everything. To show there is another way. Once you have your audience and content you want to post you have to be consistent. Every day or every other day. Consistency is the key!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.remotelyparadise.com
- Instagram: thelifeofbham
- Twitter: thelifeofbham