We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Bri Montgomery. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Bri below.
Alright, Bri thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. One of our favorite things to brainstorm about with friends who’ve built something entrepreneurial is what they would do differently if they were to start over today. Surely, there are things you’ve learned that would allow you to do it over faster, more efficiently. We’d love to hear how you would go about setting things up if you were starting over today, knowing everything that you already know.
If I were to start over. I would take writing and media more seriously. When I was getting my Bachelor’s in Journalism, one of my professors told me to start a blog and that it was the new thing college students were doing to start their career in that field. I wasn’t sold on it yet until like a year later. If I would’ve started it in college, I could have had more diverse and different content. As far as media, I could’ve been utilizing my campus’ editing applications (for free) instead of waiting so long to start a YouTube channel, and having to purchase my own editing tools. plus more.
To add to that, If I would’ve taken those things seriously, and crafted my skills, I would’ve been qualified for a position in my dream industry and received a job offer. Instead, I went back to school for my Master’s degree in Communication, got further in debt with my Student Loans, just to not make sure of that degree. In addition to that, I was job hopping and jobless for about two years.
Overall, I waited too long to take things seriously and was too late on certain trends.
Bri, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Currently, I am a Journalist and can be considered a Blogger for an Entertainment and Lifestyle site that I created. I am also the creator and host of my podcast — The Gold Spot Podcast. I am also a new (ish) mom to a 1-year-old boy.
What spiked my interest in this field, is just my love for entertainment starting from when I was a kid. I always used to love watching music videos, tv shows, new-found reality shows, and anything revolving around entertainment. With that interest, I decided to study Journalism in college and add my own twist to it — entertainment.
I provide a comfortable, interview-style platform for not only individuals in the entertainment industry but individuals in Lifestyle and Business, to share what they’re working on, how they got their start in their field, and what they have coming up
What sets me apart is the fact that I have a few different ways for guests to be interviewed, it can be on my podcast, it can be on Youtube, and even on my website– blog style.
I’m proud that I’ve been determined in seeking different people to have on my platform and that it’s not just local. I’m also most proud that I’ve interviewed an actual celebrity– Donell Jones. That was a proud moment for me.
I want people to know that I’m relatable and I’m not a “gossip-like” brand. I want to hear what you want to provide.
Season 2 of The Gold Spot Podcast is coming soon! Be sure to check it out on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
I’ve always had a 9-5 job until 2018 when I was unexpectedly laid off. At the time, I was freelancing with a couple of digital magazine companies here in St. Louis. Since I didn’t have any income and one of the companies was paying me, I had to hustle and research to find stories to write and bring content to their site in order to get paid. While doing that, I was Door Dashing and Ubering; all while sitting on a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. Throughout it all, I remained humble and hopeful.
We often hear about learning lessons – but just as important is unlearning lessons. Have you ever had to unlearn a lesson?
I always thought, “if you have a degree, you will be able to get a job.” That is so untrue. You “supposedly” need a degree AND experience for the job. But you can’t get the experience without the job, so it’s like you’re in a circle and not getting anywhere. You have to get your own experience outside of a job or even start at an entry-level position just to get your foot in the door even though you may have more degrees than your boss. (been there, done that).
Sometimes, you just need experience for a job and that sometimes can equate to the degree that is required.
Contact Info:
- Website: daniigold.com
- Instagram: DaniiGold.Bri
- Facebook: Danii Gold
- Twitter: DaniGold.Bri
- Other: Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gold-spot-podcast/id1528615560 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7Jn2LGOzc5VmjcwJwkeGMF
Image Credits
Image credits are all me. Donell Jones image was sent to me for our interview so it’s okay to use.