Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Brandon Rittenhouse. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Alright, Brandon thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. We’d love to hear the backstory behind a risk you’ve taken – whether big or small, walk us through what it was like and how it ultimately turned out.
The best risk you can take is betting on yourself.
It’s the hardest yet most rewarding thing you can do. Jason and I worked for numerous bands in Nashville doing tours we didn’t like and playing Broadway on repeat. Every time a new opportunity appeared, it was too good to be true or wasn’t exactly what we were looking for in our careers — we wanted to be in the moment with the people on and off stage, not read from a script. We were stuck, aimless, getting burnt out.
One day we were stubborn (and drunk) enough to say “let’s just do it ourselves then” and launched thousands of our own money at starting this band.. Its funny how its so easy to buy beers and coffee but something about spending your own dollars on what you think you can accomplish is mega daunting. It was the best decision we’ve ever made!
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers
Brandon: I grew up teaching guitar lessons in high school because I thought it was cool and I totally dreaded the idea of getting a ‘real’ job, I just looked for every way I could earn by way of music. Teaching after school led to teaching at the county recreation center, which led to teaching music for learning disabilities classes. Since I was dying to leave the small town of Hillsborough I looked into performing on cruise ships and did many years with Carnival, P&O and Royal Caribbean, then quite randomly landed in Houston, TX then randomly again in Nashville, TN where I met Jason on the road out there and the rest is history
Jason: I’ve always had an inclination for music. My father and all of my brothers played music as hobbies so it was always around my household. I enjoyed rhythm so I picked up drums at a young age and fell in love. I knew from age 12 that I wanted to pursue music the rest of my life. Just following the passion led to getting gigs, joining bands, and going on tour. I ended up in Nashville and met Brandon there. We started touring together then and eventually went on to create our own group.
Super Nash Bros: This band strives first and foremost to break the stereotype of “I’m onstage and you’re not”, we never bring a setlist because we want the audience to control the vibe, not the other way around. You’ll often hear us say “if you don’t like the setlist, it’s your fault” haha. We’re quite proud of the unique atmosphere and relationships Super Nash Bros brings, it’s definitely different, filled with comedy and freedom of speech!
I think what sets us apart from other musical acts is how off the cuff we are – we never play a song the same way twice. Sort of by happenstance, we just like to throw in word changes, rhythm changes, medley songs, extend solos….and we never discuss what we are going to do or when we are going to do it. As a musician its fun because the listening skillset is a very different thing than the rehearsed jobs – we are very dependent on what the crowd is asking for and we try to always give it to them. We have hired a lot of really good professionals who haven’t been able to perform with us because there is not enough structure to what we are doing… It has created a very fast and on your feet thinking that has leaked into everything we do in life. We are all very spontaneous because we are constantly using that part of our brain to try and create unique experiences for ourselves and the audience.
We’re pretty booked nationally these days at bars and venues but we’ve been seeing a lot of action at private parties lately. The best part of this band is again each show is completely unique – our weddings are ALOT different from our fraternity parties, you can reach out and book us for just about everything and we’ll show up with all you need to get it done. We’re also quite against price gouging…while inflation has made this challenging, we’ve offered some new services below =D
If you’re a bar with a stage and equipment, reach out, we got you
If you’re throwing a party with no stage or equipment, reach out, we got you
If you’re throwing a wedding and need a proper 5 piece band in suits a la the movie Titanic, reach out, we gotchu
If you’re in a fraternity and want to watch three dudes play music, curse and chug white claw, reach out, we gotcha
New Services
If you hit the gym and want to try new workout supplements for 25% off – we gotcha,
If you want to vacation in Rincon, Puerto Rico in a 2bd house by the beach – we. got. you.
If you just bought a firearm and want instruction, or are looking to become licensed to carry in NC…believe it or not, we also got you.
Is there something you think non-creatives will struggle to understand about your journey as a creative? Maybe you can provide some insight – you never know who might benefit from the enlightenment.
I think it’s actually the opposite here – creative people really can use a shift of perspective, its very easy to get tunnel vision and inflate your ego become a raging narcissist. I come from a very, very working class family with a lot of problems under the hood…but it’s so important to realize most people do. Instead of lecturing you on how I grew up in a small town working on tobacco farm and yada yada, I think it’s really important that we think about who we get to perform FOR. It’s not about me and my album and struggle and creative block and travel or whatever, just as its not about you and your problems and your parking ticket and your dumb boss. What its about is you, the audience, came out to smile, to have fun, to dance, to laugh and get away from our downsides we all have. Whether a bar or your backyard, we’re here to be in the moment and I think so many artists that I meet just miss the mark on that and try to make everything a sale. We’re all here, together, and if playing Jenga with 500 people is what everyone wants to do, well then let’s do that.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?
Jason: The most rewarding part of being an artist to me is the positive influence that we have over people. Whether its from writing our own songs or playing other peoples’, we wind up changing the night for every individual at our shows. It means the world when people come back to see us again and continue coming every time we are in town. People rely on us to have a god time, to escape mundane realities of work life, and to have a spiritual experience that they take with them so being able to provide that for new groups of people all around the country is a very cool privilege of being an artist. And the freedom that comes with the job for us is also a huge plus, we are our own bosses and we can do whatever we want with our product to make our living. Complete control of your destiny is both very scary and very freeing.
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