We recently connected with Brandon Reich and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Brandon thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. So, naming is such a challenge. How did you come up with the name of your brand?
I was interning for a production company that was the owners name Moffett and “productions.” I asked him about it one day, and he told me it wasn’t his real name. It just, sounded cool. He encouraged me to stick with my own name even though I thought my last name had some sour history. He was right. I’m glad I kept my name with my business. My contribution was adding “films” to the title. Super creative huh?
Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.
Folks who don’t know me well and who would like to know more about why I got into the entertainment industry. Hm… More and more though, I just want to make cool stuff that I’m proud of, but being real even results aren’t enough. So, currently I’m learning to enjoy, and be grateful of the creative process. Results fade, but the experience from creative relationships stay, and with any hope it gets passed down to the next work in progress. For me, a few examples of that process could be writing a screenplay, improvising on stage, or producing for a friend who wouldn’t make their movie otherwise. I’m most proud when I’m able to help others, and genuinely feel like I also was able to do what I love contributing creatively.
What do you think is the goal or mission that drives your creative journey?
My goal is to remind (and entertain) the viewer to feel empathy or relatability by expressing my own confession or observation. I’m also trying to single handily stop cultural appropriation and correct Hollywoods distorted perception on the greatest state in America, TEXAS!
Let’s talk about resilience next – do you have a story you can share with us?
Sure, my story of resilience is that…truthfully that I need perseverance now more than ever. I’m human and feel like saying some days, “it’s too damn hard and I want to quit,” but I’m regularly reminded that it’s much harder not doing what I love. I believe love to be sacrificial. So I didn’t share a specific story, but I think my answer on resilience was pretty bad ass. If you’re still reading, then I don’t think it matters anyways.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.BrandonReichFilms.com
- Instagram: @brandonreichfilms
- Facebook: @brandonreichfilms
- Twitter: @brandonjreich
- Youtube: reichbrandon
Image Credits
Studio photos by: Garrett Stanley Photography