We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Beenie Mann. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Beenie below.
Alright, Beenie thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Earning a full time living from one’s creative career can be incredibly difficult. Have you been able to do so and if so, can you share some of the key parts of your journey and any important advice or lessons that might help creatives who haven’t been able to yet?
It would be awesome if I could tell you that I am bringing in a full-time income and that it is easy. Well, in a parallel Universe maybe, but not yet in this one. LOL The creative path for me started in 2018. 1 April 2018 to be exact. That day I decided to walk away from a job I hated and put my focus and energy into my passion of helping people smile, be happy, be better, be more, and gain a better outlook on life overall. This is something I have been doing my whole life. That day, I decided to do it on purpose, with purpose.
That month I started writing my first book: Happiness Matters ~ Unleash Your Superpower in 7 Easy Steps. The book was published 15 weeks later.
Lots has happened since then and it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do next and where I wanted to go with this. All I knew was that I want to let people know they are not alone and there is a light at the end of the tunnel (and NO, it is NOT a freight train!).
Earlier this year, I signed a contract for a TV show with Mupo Entertainment and launched the first season of my talk show: Happiness Matters. Season 2 is delayed as I am recovering from a breast cancer diagnosis.
At the same time, I am working on a book series: Happiness Matters ~ You are NOT Alone. Both, the show and the book series, have the same purpose… Inspire, encourage, motivate and more. Most of all, I want to spread hope and let people know they are not alone.
Being a creative has its challenges. We have so many ideas of things we could do and then those ideas have babies and multiply rapidly. Sometimes, there are so many ideas, they totally overwhelm us and we tend to shut down. At least I do and I am sure some your readers can relate.
It is interesting how quickly a cancer diagnosis puts things into perspective. It gave me clarity and focus. Both of which I was lacking and probably the reason I have not yet earned an income. As I am recovering, I have found the clarity I needed to get focused so I can move forward with the ‘Happiness Matters’ movement.
Beenie, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
Life is interesting and stuff happens. Most of it is out of our control and tough to deal with. Life has thrown me many curve balls from the very beginning. There was a time where I had lost all hope and simply wanted to put an end to it. Luckily, I have a loving husband and kids, and I am a fighter, and fight I did! From growing up in an abusive home, to multiple devastating health diagnoses (the lasted being breast cancer), extreme weight issues, and more, I experienced enough to last a few lifetimes. No matter how hopeless and dark things where in and around me, I always had a way to help others find their smile and lift their spirits. Somehow, I always had the ability to encourage others. Because of all the things I had to endure and overcome. When I started writing my first book in 2018, I loved how very therapeutic it was to write down my story, the steps I took to find my happiness, and the people it would help. It was so incredibly healing! It was also very therapeutic and healing reading and listening to other peoples’ stories.
Having the opportunity to take my YouTube show to TV with my own show earlier this year, simply felt right. One thing I have learned along my journey is that most of us feel alone. When stuff happens, we don’t want to burden those around us with our problems. We don’t think they’d understand and so we keep things bottled up and believe we are alone.
Nothing could be further from the truth! That is why I am starting the ‘Happiness Matters ~ You are NOT alone’ book series and the TV show. I want to reach more people faster so they can hope again and know they are not alone.
Life can be tough, but you don’t have to deal with it alone. Somebody either has or is going through the same or very similar thing. Guaranteed!
: Is there a particular goal or mission driving your creative journey?
Oh yes, there is! So happy you asked this. As humans we want three basic things:
1- be safe
2- be loved
3- be happy
For as long as I can remember, I have helped people find the positive so they can move forward. My book ‘Happiness Matters ~ Unleash Your Superpower in 7 Easy Steps’ is my journey and the steps I took to find my happiness. Too many times I hear: Once I have that job, I’ll be happy. Once I get the partner of my dreams, I’ll be happy. If I had a million dollars, I’d be happy… We have been so conditioned to look at stuff to make us happy from the outside, we are in a never-ending chase that is leaving us more and more depressed and hopeless.
We get bombarded with negativity 24/7 letting us believe there really is no hope, and therefore, we have bought into the victimhood mentality with little to no hope of escaping.
Because of what I do, I get to talk to so many people and hear their stories of triumph and overcoming. Sadly, that is generally only in a one-on-one conversation, but there are countless of positive and inspiring stories out there. I want to spread those stories as fast and as far as I can. Letting people know they are not alone, and things can always turn around for the better.
I would love for ‘Happiness Matters’ not only to become a book series where people share their stories, or a TV show. It is my dream for it to turn into the #HappinessMatters movement. Where there is happiness, there is hope and it is so very much needed in these times.
What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?
Great question! Growing up I was led to believe I am a nobody. Not worth anything, not deserving of anything, and most of all… not lovable.
Part of this lesson was that I have no control over anything that is happening to me, nor do I have any power. This kind of belief made me look for help and solutions from the outside. People, agencies, etc. only to be let down more. All of that let me to believe I have no voice, no power, no anything but utter dependence on the outside world.
That’s a heavy load to carry for anyone, and most people carry this load. Alone.
Over the last few years, I have done a lot of personal development because I started questioning a lot of things. The biggest question was: How come some are suffering like me, yet others, who had similar circumstances, are thriving? What do they know that I do not?
So, on my quest to find those answers I literally had to turn my thinking inside out. Or better, outside in. Turns out, everything I was told and accepted as truth was a lie. A big, fat, ugly lie! You know the saying: a lie told often enough by enough people gets adopted as truth. Reality is, it is still a lie…
The main thing that set me apart of those who have overcome, was my mindset. Little did I know I was functioning from a victimhood and co-dependent mentality instead of a winning and victory mindset. For so long I believed I was powerless when in fact, at any given moment, we are so very powerful. Each of us. Instead of simply reacting to the hand I was dealt I learned I can respond in a new way. I learned that I actually have a choice in how I feel and respond. I learned that I am in control 100% of the time once I get off autopilot! That is so freeing and empowering. Nope, I have not mastered it by a long shot but having the awareness helps me get back to my happy quickly. Some days are easier than others but knowing I can change direction in an instant, changed my whole life. No longer do I believe I have to stay on the path I started on as a kid. Now I know I can change the direction of my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and with them, my life at any moment. I no longer feel stuck and want everyone to know they too have this power.
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- Other: https://mupoentertainment.com/happiness-matters https://happysupplyshop.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/movepastthefear