We recently connected with Ashley Nicole and have shared our conversation below.
Ashley, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Let’s talk legacy – what sort of legacy do you hope to build?
I have learned over time that a good name is rather to be had than great riches. For a long time, I used to pray for both and close out my prayer with, “Never the less, Lord, your will be done.” Today I am confident that I want my legacy to be of a woman who loved God and loved people.
I want to be remembered for always having honesty and integrity.
Ashley, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
My name is Ashley Nicole, and I was born and raised in Ventura County, California . I became a mother at the young age of 16 years old. I had countless odds stacked against me, but I refused to fall into the stereotypical category of what the world defined as a teen mother.
I graduated high school and went on to college to obtain my degree. I never wanted my child to feel the struggle, and I worked diligently as a single mother to provide her with everything most children with two-parent households had.
I had to make sacrifices and put my wants on hold, and I told myself that if I worked hard enough, one day I could have it.
Fast forward to my daughter’s senior year in high school. She beat what I believed to be the generational curse that was in my family of teen pregnancy. She made the deans list, honor roll, and received multiple awards and offers to colleges. I couldn’t have been more proud of her!
[Seeing my daughter surpass the odds made me want to pay it forward to other high school graduates who were going off to college. What if I make something that my generation wants that in turn funds the next generation of young women?]
So I thought about what women, or Mom’s, want. Most of the ones I saw wanted to look good and feel good. Every time I wore my waist trainer I got compliments and people inquiring about how much it was and where I got it. It was usually too expensive for most because they put others’ needs first, much like I have as I’ve raised my kids. I thought, “What if I can brand my own waist trainer, make it more affordable for women, and support a few girls on their path through higher education?”
So that’s what I did.
I went and discussed it with my great-grandmother. I told her everything I was thinking and feeling. She helped me finalize the name: Reina Vida. It means Queen Life in Spanish. From that moment in May 2021, I began to build my business.
I found a manufacturer to make my products and another local vendor to brand them. I began to find local vendors for all my business needs and
started to network. I found that an online business was more effective, and I did house calls consisting of custom fittings in the comfort of people’s own home.
No one was doing this and it set me apart.
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
I believe that what helped me build a good reputation in my market is the custom experience each woman gets when she purchases one of my products.
I do custom fittings in the comfort of my clients’ own homes. When a woman books an appointment with me via dm, text, email, or phone call, I bring my measuring tape and a selection of sizes so I can ensure she gets the perfect fit.
I also have had the pleasure of being a vendor at various festivals and events. I have met thousands of women over the years whom I’ve gotten to speak with, laugh with, and share a positive experience.
This individualized experience really sets me apart because there is no one else in my niche doing custom fittings. The market is mainly based online, which can make it challenging for a woman to get the right fit and feel comfortable. I bring an ultimate customer satisfaction experience every time.
What’s worked well for you in terms of a source for new clients?
The best source of new clients for me has been a combination of word of mouth from current clients and social media.
My highest referrals for new clients I must say is word of mouth, nothing compares to a referral from a satisfied customer experience!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.reinavida.com
- Instagram: Reinavida_637
- Facebook: Reina Vida
- Youtube: @reinavida
Image Credits
I own the rights to all my photos. They were all shot by https://www.sasmootproductions.com/