We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Aryn Nolan. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Aryn below.
Aryn, looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. Over the course of your career, have you seen or experienced your field completely flip-flop or change course on something?
I think it’s happening right now! Over the past two years people and healthcare providers have been looking at ways to address and beef up the bodies natural abilities. How can we make our bodies function optimally? I left hospital based nursing years ago to start my own business helping clients utilize natural alternatives, now I see more and more healthcare providers making this same shift in their own practices. I am sad it took a global pandemic to open so many eyes, but I am thankful more people and providers are awakened to the importance of gut health and natural alternatives! We are finding, getting back to the basics of wellness is the best way to help people. Simple things like proper nutrition, movement, sleep, reduced stress, gut health and proper supplementation are the areas we need to be addressing FIRST. Research is showing us we can not only help our bodies function better, but reverse and prevent diseases we thought we had to live with forever!
Aryn, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I am a mom of four, active duty military spouse and Registered Nurse. I left hospital based nursing six years ago after realizing I was helping people, but not HEALING people. That’s what I really wanted. I wanted to find a ways to help support and educate people on ways to prevent needing a hospital or medication in the first place. My focus started with natural alternatives such as herbs, essential oils, proper vitamin supplementation while helping people with sleep and stress reduction. Then came the biggest game changer, a functional test called GI-MAP.
This test analyzes your guts microbiome (our guts living ecosystem) and overall gut health markers. We have about 3-5 pounds of bacteria living in our gut, enough to cover a tennis court. We know our microbiome houses over 70-80% of our immune system. It also controls nutrient absorption, digestion, hormone and neuro transmitter production and so much more. When it gets out of balance or sick (such as parasites, yeast, etc.) we see disease, not just in the gut, but all over the body. Being able to identify root causes of health issues and eliminate them through correcting the microbiome has allowed many of my clients to reverse autoimmune disease, hormone imbalance, pain, chronic skin issues, depression, anxiety and food/digestive intolerances.
Any stories or insights that might help us understand how you’ve built such a strong reputation?
Positive client outcomes. When people have issue resolve that they have been struggling with for years, people can’t help but tell their friends about it.
If you could go back in time, do you think you would have chosen a different profession or specialty?
Nope! I would not have spent four years in Nursing School and additional residency time if I had known modern healthcare is focused on prescribing medications and Band-Aid solutions, not healing, reversing and preventing. I probably would have gone into Functional Nutrition or Naturopathy.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.naturallyaryn.com
- Instagram: @naturallyaryn