We were lucky to catch up with Archit Sharma recently and have shared our conversation below.
Archit , looking forward to hearing all of your stories today. How did you learn to do what you do? Knowing what you know now, what could you have done to speed up your learning process? What skills do you think were most essential? What obstacles stood in the way of learning more?
I have been taking photos for a long time before I got an actual camera for myself, sometimes on my dad’s old film camera and sometimes on mobile phones, i never followed the rules of composition, I always liked shooting from a different point of view, just creating beautiful photos, when I got an actual digital camera as a gift from my dad who inspired me to take photos in the first place, the manual mode was difficult to understand in the first five minutes I turned the shutter speed too low and when I hit click, the red light went on for way too long for a moment i thought i almost broke my camera lol, but then I read on the manual, started watching YouTube videos to learn how it works and overtime I learnt everything from YouTube tutorials and that’s how I eventually learnt photography.
Great, appreciate you sharing that with us. Before we ask you to share more of your insights, can you take a moment to introduce yourself and how you got to where you are today to our readers.
My name is archit, I’m currently a 23 year old student who enjoys taking photos on the side, I started taking photography seriously when I was 16, from there I tried to earn something from taking photos because I eventually wanted to pursue it as a profession, I tried everything from print shops, to stock images, but nothing actually worked, I always found the real life photo business too competitive so I never tried that, but eventually in 2021 I got into nfts and that’s how I made my first income from my photos, I have now been in photo NFTs for three years almost and even though i haven’t found as much success a I’d want to, I feel like I’m just getting started and better things wi follow soon.
Alright – so here’s a fun one. What do you think about NFTs?
I think NFTs are a game changer for artists, have been in the community for almost 3 years now and when I see artists make their first earning, or their first exhibition through NFTs it’s just such a good feeling, I know it’s currently not fair for all artists because the collector base compared to artists is pretty scarce but I am hopeful that is going to change in the future for the better.
What do you find most rewarding about being a creative?
I know this will sound very touché and higher than thou but no amount of money or recognition can make you feel as rewarded as when someone looks at your work and connects with it on a deeper level, recently I remember one of my followers on Twitter found my work and told me my photos felt like medicine to them, it’s moment like these which make you immensely happy and pushes you forward to create more work.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/archittsharmaaa/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/archittsharmaaa