Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to ANGELICA Robles. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
ANGELICA, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Can you tell us a story about a time you failed?
I had worked for the government DOD for over 15 years. I was approached to write my life story and published my book “Through These Brown Eyes” during the editing process of the book, my husband at the time read the book and was triggered by my life story. It led him to tell me his story. He then shared a 10-year secret he had been keeping from me. He revealed his family had been involved with the Mexican cartel. At that moment I wanted to kill him for the deceit and lies. I calmed my mind and did what I had been doing for over 15 years and interrogated him. For the next 2 hours he told me everything. I then had to report it to DOD. I then went under federal investigation for 7 weeks. I chose to divorce him and publish my book. I was then blacklisted from DOD. I lost my entire career. Not only was I destroyed by the lie my husband revealed, but I now had lost my entire career. My book ended up becoming an international bestselling book and a year later I signed a movie deal with Gold Tree Films, Tim Chonocas and Bill Emmerman to turn my story into a featured film “Veritas”. From there I was able to recreate myself and began telling my story all over the world. Natasha Graziano put me on her stage in Beverly Hills and my motivational speaker career took off. I Now share my story of deceit with the world in hopes of helping other woman deal with trauma. My vision and mission has been to help others let go of trauma that has hindered their growth. I lost an entire career that I had devoted my entire life to; when I was on the floor crying in the fetal position thinking my life was over, I never thought I would be where I am today. Failure is the beginning stages of success and greatness. Trauma is the fuel to triumph, as we continue to experience trauma, we learn that it fuels our dreams, aspirations and ultimate success. I am now working on my second book “The Power of Forgiveness” and continue to share my message of resilience and how to become the 1%. To become the 1% you have to be willing to do what 99% of humanity are afraid of doing….
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
I am a former undercover agent, Forbes published, international best-selling, award winning author, motivational, keynote speaker, mindset coach and executive producer. I worked as a forensic investigator, interrogator, case manager and communication coach. I specialized in criminal Interviewing and Interrogation at a federal level. With over 17 years of experience working with government investigations, corporate fraud and private investigations.
I now focuses on inspiring others to achieve their goals and produce results for individuals, corporations, and business owners. I coach others how to land movie deals in Hollywood and become the very bests version of themselves. My life story is being adapted into a feature film “Veritas” by William J. Immerman & Tim Chonacas at Gold Tree Films. I have graced many stages to include Natasha Graziano’s which catapulted my speaking career.
My signature speech “The power of forgiveness” inspires people to thrive, to abandon the past that stalls our growth and vitality. To realize forgiveness is the most powerful trait to attain, making you unstoppable and unshakeable. I have a desire to touch, move and inspire as many people as possible via TEDX. My life’s purpose has become to help others become the best version of themselves without limitations or hindrance from the past. To learn to forgive, is to learn how to breath underwater. Become untouchable. I am most proud of my resilience to keep moving after my entire life came crashing down. I was able to build an entire empire with my books, my motivational speaking and now becoming executive producer to my own featured film. Everyone has a story to tell, but only very few are willing to share it. I help other authors and writers how to go from book to film adaptation. I coach women, business professionals and corporations how to get in action and get goals met. Nothing is impossible with the right mindset and drive.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
Being part of the government for 17 years and then getting black listed destroyed me. But I was able to recreate myself and spin off into a whole another career of writing, speaking and executive producing. In your darkest, most low times I realized I can restore myself and start new in a whole new industry. You are never tied to your expertise and you are never to old to reinvent yourself. Taking risks has gotten me to where I am today. I can say I am on the black list but if I wasn’t I would never have evolved in this new life I have created for myself. Every traumatic event is an opportunity for growth and greatness.
How’d you meet your business partner?
I was sitting at home one day looking through Natasha Graziano’s Instagram and I decided to dm her. Thinking a woman of her caliber would never respond, I made a request to her. I told her that I wanted to be like her, be on big stages telling my story like her. In less than 20 minutes she responded. She invited me to her stage in Beverly hills the following week. She said get on a plane and come to Los Angeles. The next week I was on a plane and landed on Natasha’s stage. Natasha heard my story and was enthralled. She allowed me to tell my story to her audience which then catapulted me into my speaking career. She announced me on her stage and handed me the mic. I told my story. There was a woman sitting in the audience that heard my story. Katie Chonocas, a huge, lively personality in Hollywood. She thought my story was insane and connected me to her brother, Tim Chonocas. The following week I was flying back to Hollywood to pitch my story to Gold Tree Films to be signed for a movie deal. From that one dm and one-person believing in me I was able to land a movie deal. Making a clear request of someone and taking risks is what gets you to the next level. Don’t ever allow fear or insecurity to stall you from reaching your full potential. You never know what is on the other side of fear.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.angelicaroblesofficial
- Instagram: @theangelicarobles
- Linkedin:
Image Credits
P3 Photography