We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Angelica Alen. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Angelica below.
Alright, Angelica thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Was there a moment in your career that meaningfully altered your trajectory? If so, we’d love to hear the backstory.
When I went back to my recruitment career after going through cancer treatment for Stage 3 Bowel Cancer Diagnosis, I realised most people were living an unconscious life, abusing their health, stressed out to the bone and staying in unhappy jobs for a pay check. I left my corporate job to start my business as I had changed everything in my life during chemo, all my habits – physical, mental and emotional. I had finished 12 sessions of chemotherapy feeling stronger than I started. I learned to build new habits around my physical, mental and emotional health.
I wanted to help people see they could take charge of their lives at any time they decided. I wanted to shake people up and let them know that life is only one and our time here is limited. We are the ones who can create a different reality when we are not happy with the one we have. We can only do that by changing ourselves, what we do daily, our habits.
Angelica, love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I am a Health and Life Coach passionate about helping people to change their habits so they can create their dream life. After changing my life during cancer treatment by changing my physical, mental and emotional habits, I started my coaching business to help people transform themselves and conquer their lives. I help people who are suffering from a physical, mental or emotional discomfort but want to change their reality. Most of clients have tried to figure things out on their own but they have hit a wall when it comes to making changes in their lives that last.
I take my clients by the hand through a personalised plan that works for them, their schedule and personal circumstances. In a world where people struggles to make time for themselves, it is important to help my clients to find a plan that will work for them in the long term. This is not a magic pill or a diet plan.
It is a lifestyle change for good that people can practice consistently. I believe everything we do is a habit. I guide my clients to become aware of their unconscious habits that are blocking them and create new habits that help them build health physically, mentally and emotionally so they can create a fulfilling life.
Most of my clients finish my program feeling like a different person because we work through the changes at the identity level. They become aware of who they are and what they need to do to keep creating a better version of themselves daily. Everything I teach my clients is simple and practical because I believe you need to take different actions to experience different results. Knowledge is not sufficient. Practice is where the magic of transformation is.
Can you share a story from your journey that illustrates your resilience?
Cancer treatment taught me many business lessons. It was like having an apprenticeship on resilience before starting my business. I would have considered myself a resilient person before cancer but cancer treatment taught me resilience at a whole different level. When I started my business, I called upon the resilience I had built within myself to create a successful business. I wasn’t even on social media until 2020 when I had to come to grips with a lot of new things to start an online business in a time where the world was going through so much change and chaos. I believe being resilience is one of the most important traits an entrepreneur must have as you navigate through the ups and downs of growing a business.
It is important to have yourself anchored in your why to keep you moving forward. In the same way as I anchored myself in my willingness to do whatever it took for me to survive in the cancer journey; when I became an entrepreneur, I anchored myself in the desire to help others so they could feel inspired to change themselves and their lives.
Training and knowledge matter of course, but beyond that what do you think matters most in terms of succeeding in your field?
At the beginning of my business I spent a lot of time thinking I needed to study something in particular to be able to help people. As I had changed my life holistically, I couldn’t pinpoint only one thing that I could specialise in because I had done different things to take charge of my health and life. I see a lot of new entrepreneurs wasting their time thinking they need to study something to have credibility. I believe personal experience is very powerful and we can learn a lot from each other’s experiences. If you are thinking about starting a business but feel you are not eligible or capable enough because you don’t have a degree, don’t get caught up in what others say you must have in order to succeed. My clients have been drawn to my message because I am a living proof of what it is possible. I did the work daily and still do so I speak from experience. When a client tells me: “Angelica, this is too hard” I can say to them: “Yes I know because I have been there but I did it anyway.”
Contact Info:
- Website: https://angelicaalen.com/
- Instagram: @transform_with _angelica
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angelica.alen.503
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelicaalen/
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@angelicaalen
- Other: http://www.tiktok.com/@angelicaalen