We recently connected with Angela Webber and have shared our conversation below.
Alright, Angela thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Taking care of customers isn’t just good business – it is often one of the main reasons folks went into business in the first place. So, we’d love to get a conversation going around how to best help clients feel appreciated – maybe you can share something you’ve done or seen someone do that’s been really effective at helping a customer feel valued?
As a Customer Service Specialist, I intentionally “serve” my customers. I want them to always feel valued and appreciated which encourages them to be loyal and dedicated. More often than not customers go to certain business because of the way they have been treated, not for the better deal. I take the time to listen and guide them by helping them problem solve their situation so that the decision is theirs and not mine. Most are too quick to get off the phone or end the call, instead we should be building the relationship to ensure future sales.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
My brand is me. I am unique in the way that I present myself to my customers and I am changing the way we communicate both professionally and personally. I have always been a people person, so it is rather natural that I can serve people and keep them feeling valued and wanted because I am genuine. I actually do value them and want a relationship with them. I am motivated by helping others get to their expectations of a place or product. I am here for you. Odd I know. Truly feeling stuck? Emotions bulging to the point that you feel like you’re going to explode. Maybe you already have. Exploded. This is the problem that I can help you with. I know how to help you get control of your emotions and use techniques you have never experienced before to get you unstuck and onto a happily ever after.
I never give up. If the solution doesn’t seem clear, then we research and research until we do. If one path doesn’t take us where we want to go on our journey, then we will find a new path. We never quit. Failure is a verb. It’s in motion, we have only failed when we quit. So, we don’t.
Through coaching and motivational speaking to business and customer service teams, I am able to help you grow into the person you never thought you could be. I will show you how to rid yourself of doubt and disbelief that you can be that person you always dreamed you would be.
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
Resilience! Most people don’t realize how much of it they have until it is challenged. In high school and before I was always treated as if I was not smart enough to succeed. I failed many classes and was called “stupid” by a few teachers. While in those days, it was acceptable to tear a person down in hopes to motivate them, it left long-lasting scars. I am now a published author and highly respected in my field. Because of my resilience being challenged I was able to write books, mentor others and became a certified life coach.
The greatest gift my resilience has given me is the ability to raise my daughter. She came to us through foster care and was very broken and beat down. I knew exactly how she felt and was able to coach her and mentor her through some very hard days and now her resilience drives her, and she has gained four levels of education because she sees through my eyes. She sees how to have a happily ever after.
Can you tell us about a time you’ve had to pivot?
Making sure you’re on the right track for you and your message is challenging. In business we must have a niche. Really, we need a niche within a niche. I want to reach everyone. However, we can only have one niche. So how to reach everyone? I want to reach the adults of the world, moms dads even singles that are still searching for their place in the world. Statistics show that fifty percent of adults were in foster care if not until they aged out, but even for just a season of life. This broken structure has left us with individuals that do not know how to maneuver through the business world. They don’t even know where to begin.
How to reach them all. Everyone is a customer to someone. I realized that if I teach/speak to business and trainings, then I can teach a better mindset for all of life. Not just for the customer, but for the families and their success.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.msangie.org/