We were lucky to catch up with Angel Louis recently and have shared our conversation below.
Angel, appreciate you joining us today. What’s the backstory behind how you came up with the idea for your business?
I often get asked the question…Why did you start baking cakes? So here’s my story… I am a previous educator, turned social worker/therapist, turned Zumba instructor, turned Manager/CEO of a non profit and now finally a baker…why? Because I’ve always, I mean ALWAYS loved baking. It is my true passion and something I’ve always done on the side.
It’s the thing that brings me peace and ushers me into my happy place. In 2018 my mother passed away unexpectedly from breast cancer, she was the light of my life. All 2018 was spent caring for her. Then a few months later my mother in law passed away from cancer. She was always treated me like her own daughter so we were close and this again broke my heart. In 2019 I had my only daughter and while I was already a mother of two children, this little girl was special because I carried her thru the loss of both of my mothers. She brings me the joy that I loss with the passings of my moms. Then in 2020, covid happened and of course covid changed everything and everyone one, including myself. After witnessing and experiencing so much loss, I decided, now is the time to pursue what I truly love and whalah…Boozie Bakes was born! I often was asked to bake cakes for birthdays and special occasions of close friends and family and decided to pursue it full time.
As always, we appreciate you sharing your insights and we’ve got a few more questions for you, but before we get to all of that can you take a minute to introduce yourself and give our readers some of your back background and context?
Boozie Bakes is a bakery that sells moist, delicious wine and liqueur baked goods. We offer cakes, cupcakes, cookies, mini cheesecakes and pies. We use wine to bring out the flavor and make them fun to eat. We started with the simple idea of bringing the best from us to you. From conception to the final product, we put lots of love and careful thought into all we bake. I hope you enjoy it, and share the experience with others. I love creating moments and experiences with my baked goods! Boozie has come a long way and is still growing. I did my very 1st event at the garden club and it really launched by business. I was so nervous and scared because I didn’t know what to expect but that event turned out to be a success so I kept booking them up until now last month I did an event with 3000 people plus and usually do about 3 events a weekend. I’m looking forward to bigger and better and finding the balance of working smarter not harder. I absolutely love what I do and am so grateful that I get to share it with so many others. Cheers to the good life!
Have you ever had to pivot?
2020, covid happened and of course covid changed everything and everyone one, including myself. After witnessing and experiencing so much loss, I decided, now is the time to pursue what I truly love and whalah…Boozie Bakes was born! I often was asked to bake cakes for birthdays and special occasions of close friends and family and decided to pursue it full time
We’d love to hear a story of resilience from your journey.
Being a mom of 3 and a wife while starting my own business full time has certainly been a challenge but a blessing at the same time. I realized how strong and resilient I was by continuing too not for under the pressure of life and business.
Contact Info:
- Website: Www.booziebakes.online
- Instagram: Www.instagram.com/booziebakesonline
- Facebook: Www.facebook.com/booziebakes
Image Credits
Raleigh food trap