We were lucky to catch up with Andrease Crosby recently and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Andrease , thanks for joining us today. So, naming is such a challenge. How did you come up with the name of your brand?
The name Curves and Curls comes from the two main things that my product line helped with your Curves and your Curls. At first I thought it was a lot to say but I wanted my title to actually tell you what it was for. Later on I started modeling more often and I adapted the name MissCurvesandCurls which then led to me going into management A&R and promotions essentially the entertainment business I wanted to give my business its own name but I still want it to be associated with my original company so I ended up naming my entertainment company MCC Entertainment .
Andrease , love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
My name is ANDREASE Crosby an I am the owner of Curves and Curls and MCC Entertainment. I can say that being in the haircare and entertainment business was something I could not avoid. My mother and stepmother are both hairstylists and both hosted anything from concerts to club nights. My Dad was the host of a radio station for years and also owned and operated a limousine service alongside my mother. I can honestly say that I did not know that I would be following so closely in their footsteps but after trying my hand in different careers, I decided that this is really what I was meant to do. I started Curves and Curls in my tiny apartment kitchen about six years ago because I started my transition from relaxed hair to my natural curls and could not find any products in stores that were designed for my hair texture. After years of research and trial and error Curves and Curls has grown from two products to almost a dozen products including skincare and a men’s line. MCC Entertainment on the other hand was something I dove into headfirst back in 2019. I started hosting parties with one of my close friends Steve of Wett Wett Promotions and from there, I found a love for the nightlife. Through the pandemic, I faced a few difficulties with clubs being closed but I did not let that discourage me. I found a way to market not only myself but the local artists and MCC Entertainment surprisingly grew. MCC Entertainment allows me to not only manage talents, it is my platform to provide everything from marketing down to security for others looking to have events. To say this has been a smooth road would be false. I have made a few wrong turns and hit a few roadblocks in the process. Learning marketing through the pandemic has definitely been the biggest one, how do I reach people without doing pop-up shops? How do I keep my business including my hair salon going without customers? I would ask myself these questions day in and day out. I ended up meeting Jason Howard of M37 Management. He helped me navigate through marketing, management, promotion and taught me how to reach more potential customers using my social media platforms. The help I received from him helped me gain the knowledge I needed to perform my duties as a manager myself. Curves and Curls Slogan is Natural Products for a Natural Beauty. I chose this because I want every person to feel like their natural state should always be cared for first! My hair and skincare line has pushed me to start doing education on how to care for and treat natural hair and care for your skin. Using what I learned over the years caring for my afro and skin. I now operate a shop in Lake Alfred Florida and as a Traveling Stylist. I offer treatment and styling services for everything from afros to locs using only Curves and Curls products. I also have a “Fall Asleep Guarantee” which started as a joke between me and my clients that adapted into a guarantee. My services are never painful and most of my clientele come to my shop because they find my services to be so relaxing that they plan to fall asleep in my chair. I work well with sleeping clients seems like. MCC Entertainment is still a growing brand. I currently offer artist and talent management, hosting, creating promotions and marketing (ads and flyer designs), artist’s performances, and several other services. MCC Entertainment is also how I manage my modeling career. So, I use those same strategies I have learned to get my career going to help with the talents I manage.
What sets me apart from other companies is I always put my clients and customers first. I will never offer a service I know won’t benefit my client and that applies to Curves and Curls and MCC Entertainment.
Waking up knowing that I get to do the two things I love every day and get paid to do it. Because of Curves and Curls and MCC Entertainment, I have gotten to meet so many amazing people and travel to places I could only dream of. For me, this is only the tip of the iceberg. I get to taste success and strive for even more success. I never thought that I would be here and that alone makes me smile. I only wish I would have started sooner.
What’s been the most effective strategy for growing your clientele?
It’s simple. Promote, promote, promote! How will anyone know about you or what you do if you do not promote you and your business. Learn your target audience and then locate an audience that you wouldn’t normally think to reach.
Has your business ever had a near-death moment? Would you mind sharing the story?
I travel a lot for the experience and for media content. I went on a trip to Tennessee during one of the worst snow storms of the year. Of course me as Florida native I have never seen snow let alone drove up a mountain in it. The trip ended with me getting into not one but two very bad accidents breaking my ankle and foot with multiple upcoming model shows and casting calls coming up. It took me about four months to gather the courage to drive and walk in heels again. I was hurting my business by being to scared to get in my car and go to casting calls. I’m greatly appreciative that I wasn’t hurt as bad as The others involved. But the accident definitely was a major hurdle for me and my business.
Contact Info:
- Website: Curvesandcurls.net
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/misscurvesandcurls?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drease.crosby
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC1qimz0fud11LvJrtxvNbGA
- Other: https://instagram.com/mcc_entertainment_?igshid=NmZiMzY2Mjc=
Image Credits
Troy Porter